


ベンジーノ ザ・ソース誌のオーナーの一人で、ラッパーとしても活動している。





Step by step, heart to heart, left right left 
一歩 一歩 呼吸を合わせ 左 右 左

We all fall down...

Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
一歩 一歩 呼吸を合わせ 左 右 左

We all fall down like toy soldiers
俺達はブッ倒れる おもちゃの兵隊のように


Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
少しづつ引き裂かれ 勝者はいない


But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
争いから逃げられない おもちゃの兵隊達

I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure


Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
たとえ 全世界の重みを両肩で支えていたとしても


I ain't never supposed to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it
それを見せてはいけないし 誰かに知られてもいけない


Even if it means goin' toe to toe with a Benzino it don't matter
たとえベンジーノと対峙することになっても 関係ない

I'd never drag them in battles that 



I can handle unless I absolutely have to


I'm supposed to set an example


I need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide 'em
俺は指導者であるべきなんだ 皆もそれを期待している


If some shit ever does pop off, I'm supposed to be beside 'em
もし争いが起きたら 俺は皆を支えなきゃいけない

That Ja shit I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop it



There's a certain line you just don't cross and he crossed it


I heard him say Hailie's name on a song and I just lost it



It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shit
狂ってやがる  ジェイ・Zとナズのクソみたいな対立を越えちまってる

And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it

闘いには勝ったのかもしれないが 負けたように感じるよ


I spent too much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted
精神をすり減らし過ぎた もうウンザリだ


And I'm so caught in it I almost feel I'm the one who caused it
争いにのめり込み 俺から喧嘩を始めたんじゃないかと思えてきた


This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it
俺はこんなことの為にヒップホップをやってる訳じゃない やりたくもない

That was never my object for someone to get killed


Why would I wanna destroy something I help build


It wasn't my intentions, my intentions was good
俺はそんなの望んでない 何とかしたかったんだ


I went through my whole career without ever mentionin' Suge

And that was just out of respect for not runnin' my mouth
俺は相手に敬意だって払うし 口を滑らせて 


And talkin' about something that I knew nothing about
余計なことまで 知りもしないのに喋りたくない


Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn't my beef
ドクター・ドレーは俺に距離を置けと言った お前の争いじゃないだろって


So I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth
だから俺は身を引き 傍観者となり口を閉ざした

While he's all over t.v. down talkin' a man who literally saved my life


Like fuck it i understand this is business
マジでクソだ 理解してるさ 小遣い稼ぎにやってることだって


And this shit just isn't none of my business
でもな 俺はこんな稼ぎ方はしない


But still knowin' this shit could pop off at any minute cause

Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
一歩 一歩 呼吸を合わせ 左 右 左


We all fall down like toy soldiers
俺達はブッ倒れる おもちゃの兵隊のように


Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
少しづつ引き裂かれ 勝者はいない


But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
争いから逃げられない おもちゃの兵隊達

There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme


And wouldn't have to worry about one of your people dyin'


But now it's elevated cause once you put someone's kids in it
でも 今は争いが激化してる 誰かさんが娘の名を出したから


The shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more is it?
クソみたいに激化してる もう言い争いじゃ済みそうにない そうなんだろ?

It's a different ball game, callin' names and you ain't just rappin'
全く違う球技だ 名指しの罵倒 ラップとは呼べない 


We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin'
俺達は争いを止めようともした 50セント そしてジャ・ルール



Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him


And asked him not to start it he wasn't gonna go after him
もうやめろってな 奴もジャ・ルールを狙う気はなかったのさ


Until Ja started yappin' in magazines how we stabbed him



Fuck it 50 smash 'em, mash 'em and let him have it
やっちまえ50セント ぶちのめせ 奴に思い知らせろ

Meanwhile my attention is pullin' in other directions
しばらくの間 俺の関心はそればかり


Some receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his desk


Has an erection for me and thinks that I'll be his resurrection
ベンジーノを奮い立たせ 復活させようとした


Tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record
マイクの埃を払い 新しいレコードでも作ろうとしたんだろう


But now he's fucked the game up 'cause one of the ways I came up
だが 奴は自分でゲームを台無しにしたのさ


Was through that publication the same one that made me famous

Now the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin'


Well fuck it, that motherfucker can get it too, fuck him then
あぁ クソッ あのクソッタレ野郎は酷い目に遭うだろうぜ


But I'm so busy being pissed off I don't stop to think
俺は憎悪に取り憑りつかれてる 争いで頭がいっぱいだ


That we just inherited 50's beef with Murder Inc.

And he's inherited mine which is fine ain't like either of us mind
50セントは俺の争いを引き継いだ それは良いさ 気にしてない


We still have soldiers that's on the front line


That's willing to die for us as soon as we give the orders


Never to extort us, strictly to show they support us
決して何も求めない ただ全力で支えようとしているだけ

We'll maybe shout 'em out in a rap or up in a chorus
多分 俺たちがラップの中で奴等の名前を叫んだり



To show them we love 'em back and let 'em know how important it is


To have Runyan Avenue soldiers up in our corners


Their loyalty to us is worth more than any award is


But I ain't tryna have none of my people hurt and murdered
俺は仲間に傷付いて欲しくない 死んで欲しくないんだ


It ain't worth it, I can't think of a perfecter way to word it
命を懸ける価値はない これ以上の言葉は思い付かないな


Then to just say that I love ya'll too much to see the verdict
とにかく言わせてくれ 仲間を愛してる もう結末を見る必要はない


I'll walk away from it all before I let it go any further
俺は立ち去るよ これ以上争いが酷くなる前に

But don't get it twisted, it's not a plea that I'm coppin'
でもな 誤解しないでくれ 逃げようとしてる訳じゃない


I'm just willin' to be the bigger man


If ya'll can quit poppin' off at the jaws, with the knockin'
皆が口と銃を使った争いをやめれば そうなれる気がするんだ


'Cause frankly I'm sick of talkin'


I'm not gonna let someone else's coffin rest on my conscience



Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
一歩 一歩 呼吸を合わせ 左 右 左


We all fall down like toy soldiers
俺達はブッ倒れる おもちゃの兵隊のように


Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
少しづつ引き裂かれ 勝者はいない


But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
争いから逃げられない おもちゃの兵隊達