Can you think of English as your hobby? | 天王予備校一ツ橋教室のブログ



The great thing about learning a language is you can continually improve. This means it can be a lifelong hobby. Think about your hobbies that you've had throughout your life. When you started getting good, remember that feeling of accomplishment? The satisfaction of doing well at something you like is a pretty rewarding feeling. To that end, language learning, if you can think of it in that way, can also become rewarding, rather than a never-ending chore you have to complete. Now for full disclosure: I'm struggling to do the same thing myself with Japanese, and I know it isn't easy. Let's keep trying together.

Stickmen, Walking, Follow, Pictogram, Bigger, Yellow


Here's an update on the new classroom: Soroban is really popular! Great job to our fabulous teachers, and to our shrewd branch leader! If anyone reading this has suggestions for improving the English program, please share! I love to teach, and would really like to have more students to share my knowledge with. Thanks for reading!