What I eat for breakfast in America.. | 天王予備校一ツ橋教室のブログ



It seems many people in Japan and other countries has some misconceptions about what Americans eat for breakfast.叫び They might have watched a Holly wood movie and seen someone eating cold pizza or cold cereal and milk and then after that their mind was made up "American breakfasts suck"

Well not always the case..

I am here to tell you good food in America is plentiful and easily bought and prepared somehow these meals don't get the publicity they deserve though.

Number 1

First of all let me introduce green juice..
This is a recent popular way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals all in a drink for people who are busy and don't have time to wake up 2 hours before work time to cook breakfast.
As the name suggests green juice is green usually from something in the vegetable family.. The cool think is that it actually can taste quite nice. Here is what a green juice might have in it..
2 cups of spinach
a few sprigs of fresh parsley
a slice of pineapple
1/4 of an apple unpeeled
a small piece of fresh ginger
and cover it all in your favorite 100% apple juice..

This breakfast lacks carbohydrates but most people find enough of those throughout the day anyhow.

Number 2

Pancakes come in all sorts of flavors in America.
The traditional one is light fluffy brown all over and doused with maple syrup and butter but times have changed.
The modern pancake is full of pureed bananas, flax seeds, maybe oats, and some other sort of healthy flour like teff flour, barley flour and a bit of whole wheat flour.
Milk was traditionally used as the liquid or even water.. I suggest coconut milk it gives an amazing flavor. add in an egg and some vanilla with a little baking powder and bam its a hot breakfast.

Number 3
There are so many ways to cook eggs I always sneak as many vegetables into them as possible and my friends agree they are good. Carrot with onion and basil is nice. The old faithful is green bell pepper, onions, tomato and ham scramble. Potato eggs with fresh parsley or tarragon is wonderful.. Whatever you prefer throw it into your scramble with a piece of whole grain unprocessed toast..

Any 3 of these is sure to please Americans today and also Japanese with their busy lifestyle many they could appreciate one of these too.

Give it a try..
See you next week.