“Spiral Therapy & Yuukichi”

Mr. Mori, my master of Spiral Therapy, suffered severely after a car accident in his early teens. He searched for a cure by visiting hospitals and many kinds of healthcare clinics.
After spending years without finding any solutions for a cure or relief of his symptoms, he had an opportunity to get Spiral Therapy. Spiral therapy addresses neurology and orthopedic related issues. All the problems were healed at last. This experience gave him tremendous insight of understanding the interaction of mind and body.

He became a Spiral Therapist and found his mission to share the power of Spiral Therapy around the world.

Mr. Mori, my master, along with Mrs. Mori, my mentor, have decided to move onto Europe this winter. And they chose to begin sharing their knowledge in the Netherlands. Japan-Netherlands has an alliance, enabling individuals to easily obtain a visa and start business.

Their departure had a great impact on my decision making to become Spiral Therapist myself.

That would be the beginning of my journey as a Spiral Therapist.