the time has come again to type a new entry in this very private blog.

my senses are confused and I feel how I m messing with the words that I m typing

my body is shaking. shaking heavily and wont stop. it's like.. my body has cold, although it s not cold outside anymore. of course it's cold. it must be cold, or else why should my body shake?

I couldn't even hold my cigarette properly fuck. I dunno what happened to me. I smoke, the earth starts turning around.. the floor disappears under my feet, everything is vanishing.

the voices keep telling me, close your eyes, move backwarts, turn on the music in your ears so you wont here the steps, and wait patientely until the knife is stabbed into your back.

your legs will pull you down. they already do. I just feel like falling down on the ice cold floor.
lying there and die.

hallucination keeps my senses busy. but only until I close my eyes to be destroyed into pieces
snails, turn back to leaves
humains, turn back to parasols and chairs
and you fucking trees. stop showing me wrong directions

how can you kill somebody without killing his body?
if there are two inside how kill only one of them???

my wing is vanishing. the other one died long time ago and now I m falling down for good
