最新の記事一覧 月別記事一覧 テーマ別記事一覧ブログ(22)ブログの記事(22件)DO NOT make me use my feminist voice!it's time for a post!i'm sweet like ~~~can i make a blog post before class starts?mall trip ★a very busy 2 months!☆ happy birthday to me! ☆feel my heartbeat, drumming to the beat♫*confetti* i'm done playing catch up!i promise i'll blog much more! ;A;first catch-up postsome musings to procrastinate work and postingsorry for the short breaki went on vacation!busy beeit's been a few days ♪how i've been doing my makeup latelytwo eventful days!a fun day with caylee( ´(ェ)`)次ページ >>