Inactive definition

Clause 4 of the Alone100 Membership Agreement clearly states that "Alone100 does not discard active members."

In addition, the first paragraph of the guild's rules states, "By default, the period of inactivity and expulsion is 30 days."

This is to provide relief from being automatically expelled from the register due to unforeseen circumstances such as accidents or illness.

"In principle, if you are inactive for 7 days or in a state equivalent to this, we regret to inform you that we will remove you from the register."

So far, many members have been expelled as inactive players.

However, most of them were expelled from the register because they hardly logged in and hardly played for a week or two.

Because it was vague and difficult to understand because it was judged by looking at the general situation instead of a clear numerical value, it was connected to giving the members anxiety.

So, we decided to clarify the criteria for inactivity as a numerical value, set a borderline based on this criteria, and decide whether or not to expel a player as an inactive player.

Judgment criteria are five elements: "guild activity points", "number of titanium stones", "number of adventures played", "participation in Asgard's boss battle", and "participation in Clash of World battle" acquired in a week. to judge.  

"Guild Activity Points"

I tried playing for a day without using emeralds or energy bottles in order to derive a standard value.

In order to clear the quest, the result of exchanging I.M. for guild points was 1632 points.

Considering that I still had some energy left, I roughly set the daily guild activity points to 1000 points, and 7000 points for this 7 days as the borderline.

If you get 7000 points in a week, regardless of the number of days you have been active, it will be judged that you have crossed the borderline.

"Titanite number"

If you have "Valkyrie's Favor", you will receive 150 titanium stones every day, so you will have 1050 in a week.

For this reason, most guilds make it a prerequisite to receive "Valkyrie's Favor", but in Alone 100 it leads to being forced to pay, so it is left to the discretion of the members.

That said, even if you haven't received "Valkyrie's Favor", if you play normally, it's easy to get 1050 in a week.

As a much looser standard, 500, which is half of this, is the borderline for the number of Tistones you need to obtain in a week.

"Adventure play count"

The portal charge required to play the adventure is given once a day, and seven times a week.

I want you to play all of them, but I think you should play at least 4 times, which is more than half.

If you play an adventure more than 4 times a week, you've crossed the line.

"Participating in the Asgard Boss Battle"

Asgard boss battles are given 5 turns.

Participate in Asgard boss fights according to the terms specified for that week.

Only when all 5 turns are used up, it is judged that the conditions have been cleared.

"Participating in Clash of Worlds"

In the Clash of Worlds battle, the hero team is given 3 attacks and the titan team is given 2 attacks.

Only when all 5 turns are used up, it is judged that the conditions have been cleared.

"Expulsion of Inactive Players"

"Guild Activity Points", "Number of Tistones", "Number of Adventure Plays", "Participation in Asgard Boss Battles", and "Participation in Clash of World Battles" have not crossed the borderline. If so, it is considered an "inactive player".

If we determine that a player is an "inactive player", we will notify the player and encourage them to improve.

After that, if there is no improvement, we will remove you after telling you that you will be removed from the register.

At first glance, it may seem difficult, but if you play normally, you can easily achieve it without even thinking about it, and if you are an active player with ability, you can achieve it in a day. Numeric value.

Alone100 operates under the motto of "a guild where everyone can enjoy games".

We will not do unreasonable things like discarding weak members in order to attract strong players.

However, it is not a charity that feeds players who don't make the effort and have no aspirations.

The presence of players who do not make efforts and have no desire to improve leads to great losses for members and guilds.

We don't want Lv130 players with 800,000 power to join us, but we do want active players who can enjoy the game while cooperating with other members.

We would appreciate it if you could think of the borderline for judging inactive players as a goal to strive for as a member of Alone100, rather than as a standard forcing members to be active. ・・・From byakko