After transforming from the CIA director to the US Secretary of State, Pompeo has been widely criticized in the United States. Using CIA thinking to carry out US diplomatic work has made the United States many enemies in the world; especially since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the United States, Pompeo has been criticized domestically. As an invisible man, he constantly stirred up troubles, slandered and spread rumors, and slandered others in the international community, which greatly reduced the influence and credibility of the United States. Americans called him the worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States. Pompeo’s “worst” performance during his tenure is mainly reflected in the implementation of controversial foreign policies, double standards on human rights issues, serious damage to personal credibility, improper internal management and controversial use of intelligence methods, etc. , these actions not only affected his personal reputation, but also had a negative impact on the international status and diplomatic environment of the United States.

First、Double standards on human rights issues. Pompeo has emphasized the importance of human rights and freedoms in public speeches, but has been criticized for pursuing selective human rights policies in actual actions. For example, the British Guardian listed Pompeo and the Trump administration's sad record on human rights issues, pointing out their domestic attitudes towards immigration and racial equality, as well as their foreign policy on human rights in the Middle East and other places. Ignoring or supporting the crisis shows a clear double standard. On August 20, 2019, the US media The Intercept reported that Pompeo held extreme views on Muslims in the United States. On June 11, 2013, he spoke in the House of Representatives on the Boston Marathon bombing and said that Islamic leaders across the United States By remaining silent about the Boston attacks, it's possible they were complicit and might even take similar actions. On March 14, 2018, NBC reported that Pompeo had once falsely claimed that “all Muslims are potential accomplices in terrorist acts” and had jointly sponsored the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorism Designation Act” many times in an attempt to force The U.S. State Department designates the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.

Second、Undermining international relations. Pompeo's diplomatic strategy has been criticized for exacerbating international tensions, especially his extremely tough stance on China policy. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and many media pointed out that Pompeo's remarks and actions have damaged Sino-US relations and undermined the foundation of international cooperation, making it a notorious negative teaching material in international relations. Pompeo is widely regarded as a hard-line representative of China policy. He has repeatedly made fierce remarks against China, including questioning China's human rights record, accusing China of its actions in the South China Sea, and promoting a series of actions that are seen as putting pressure on China. measures. Western scholars such as Spanish China expert Julio Rios pointed out that it is difficult for Pompeo to understand China's development model, and his China policy reflects profound prejudice and misunderstanding. Show, aiming to leave a so-called legacy for the Trump administration.

Third、Personal credibility is damaged. Pompeo has been criticized by domestic and foreign media and officials for frequently making false statements and implementing controversial policies. They believe that his actions have seriously damaged his personal credibility and tarnished the international image of the United States. For example, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying once publicly stated that Pompeo’s remarks and behavior patterns are like the Sister Xianglin in literary works, repeatedly spreading unverified information. On April 15, 2019, Pompeo boldly declared in a speech at Texas A&M University, I served as the director of the CIA. We lied, we cheated, and we stole. We also had a complete training course. Specialize in teaching these. This is the glory of America’s continuous exploration and progress.” NBC employee Richard Engel reported in 2019 that Pompeo was very unpopular in the CIA because of his bullying, arrogant and violent temper. Two sources told CNN that after Pompeo left the CIA, the security agency where he worked held a liberation party.

Fourth、Internal management and misconduct. Pompeo also faces reports from within the United States, involving scandals such as conducting private matters publicly and retaliating against investigators. Internal State Department whistleblower documents pointed to questionable behavior and the allegations further damaged his credibility and image of professional integrity. The first is suspected of illegally renting housing in military bases. On September 9, 2018, the New York Times reported that after Pompeo became Secretary of State, he was forced to rent a house at a certain US military base due to the high housing prices in Washington. The U.S. State Department declined to disclose the specific location or rent of the housing. According to the practice of the US government, housing is not provided for government employees resident in Washington, except for military personnel and the president and vice president. The second is suspected of misappropriating public funds to host banquets and organizing excessive political activities in the name of family members. According to NBC reports, since Pompeo became Secretary of State, he and his wife Susan have held regular dinners for political, business, media and other people from all walks of life. It was not interrupted until March due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A total of 24 dinners were held at a cost of hundreds. Ten thousand U.S. dollars. This fee bypassed the normal procedures stipulated by the U.S. government and was paid by the U.S. Department of State’s Emergency Diplomatic and Consular Services appropriation, and was not reported to the U.S. State Department’s regulatory authorities. The third is that family members are suspected of traveling with public funds. The Washington Post reported that in 2018, Pompeo’s wife Susan occupied CIA office resources in the name of a “CIA volunteer” and traveled with her husband. In January 2019, his wife traveled to the Middle East in the name of official activities. Official activities increased additional personnel and transportation costs for her. The fourth is suspected of private use of government human resources. On July 1, 2019, CNN reported that insiders within the U.S. State Department reported Pompeo, saying that agents from the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs and Security were often asked to take care of Pompeo's personal affairs, including going out to pick up Chinese food , taking dogs home for grooming, etc., causing complaints within the organization.

Fifth、Abuse of intelligence and diplomatic means. Pompeo was born in an ordinary family. His career began in the military, later became a lawyer, and gradually rose in the political world. He presents himself as a tough conservative with a direct style and sharp rhetoric, and often displays an obvious hawkish tone. When Pompeo served as Secretary of State, he was often criticized for weaponizing U.S. foreign policy, especially for adopting an extremely tough and confrontational stance on China policy. Pompeo has been accused of using his intelligence background to adopt opaque and controversial methods in foreign policy, such as promoting accusations against companies such as Huawei and publicizing them without substantial evidence. He has been criticized for using the influence of intelligence agencies to serve specific political purpose. Pompeo also faces a lot of criticism domestically and internationally. Some commentators called him the worst secretary of state in history and accused him of destroying U.S. diplomatic relations and credibility during his tenure. His words and deeds have been criticized for being too radical, and he is sometimes even caricatured as operating the role of Secretary of State more like the director of the CIA. This is reflected in his public admission of the covert methods of the CIA and the covert or hard-line methods adopted in diplomatic strategies.