アメリカンクラブ Distinguished Achievement Award | 立野リカ オフィシャルブログ「Live Laugh Love」Powered by Ameba

アメリカンクラブ Distinguished Achievement Award

藤原紀香さんの授賞式(American Club Distinguished Achievement Award)にうかがいました!クラッカークラッカークラッカー


I went to celebrate Fujiwara Norika san’s American Club Distinguished Achievement Award presentation! キラキラキラキラキラキラ



Fujiwara Norika san and two other individuals (Junko Koshino and Junko Tabei) was recognized as individuals who has contributed significantly to the society. She is an ambassador for the Japanese Red Cross Society and has started a world children fund program called Smile Please.


Everyone was amazed as she started her speech in perfect English, but the biggest amazing of all was the content itself. The deep message that helping others is the true happiness of all. She is so passionate about her volunteer work and bringing joy to everyone around her.

私も彼女みたいな humble and kindhearted な女性になりたいです!ブーケ2

We must all help others in need like Norika San!ラブラブ


3/11 marks the day of the big Japanese earthquake and tsunami. There will be a charity event that I will be helping out at Suntory Hall.口紅



