
ブロックチェーンが自分のビジネスに適しているかどうかを自問する前に、別の質問をする必要があります: "このデータを一般公開することで、どんなメリットがあるのか?"




One could feasibly digitize a cafe's menu on #NEM  or #Symbol, with each item being created as a mutable mosaic. 

Items would have a description; could have a product image attached (inscribed in the metadata, if on #Symbol); and could have taxes baked in (using #NEM's levy).

At the start of the month, the owner would take inventory - much in the same way they do now, except instead of inputting each item into a spreadsheet or physical ledger, they would create a set of mosaics to represent their inventory, and the amount available to sell.

This could be done programmatically (via scanning the bar code of an item). 

These mosaics - and their balances - would be fed into a customer-facing application (or a website) that customers use to view the menu and order from the menu.

As customers order from the application and payment is settled, the supply of a mosaic is automatically decreased. 

Now, you may ask, what is the value of keeping the inventory of a store on a public blockchain?

For a start, the owner could quickly keep tabs on how his inventory has changed over time (rather than having to find hours at the end of each month to tally up his daily sales data). This allows him to make on-the-fly adjustments and inform suppliers of his upcoming needs.

Suppliers need to understand seasonal and historical trends for a shop, so they can keep an overflow of inventory. Being able to pull this data from a public resource (rather than having to wait for the shop to provide them) is a boon to efficiency.

Customers could also query this data to make informed purchasing decisions - being able to see just how many of an item is currently left is a powerful dark pattern. 

Limited supply tends to create 'fomo', and would increase the chance of a customer purchasing.

If an item was historically a best seller (and the data to back that up was verifiable), a customer who does not want to make their own purchasing decisions would default to the 'wisdom of the crowds'.

Finally, customers would be able to verify their favorite item was in stock before traveling to the venue. How often have you sat down at a restaurant to order a favorite dish, only to be told it's out of stock?

The key here to why this works on the blockchain is that it a) automates the overhead of managing and adjusting the supply of inventory and allows the owner to instead focus on making decisions with the data, b) allows the customer to make purchasing decisions with the data and c) allows the suppliers who produce the product to get more efficient product feedback (which allows them to invest more money in the product, vs sales analysts who collect this information manually.

Now, why not do this on Ethereum, you may ask? Simple. The overhead is way too high to make this sustainable - gas costs per token issuance, supply adjustment, etc. would eat into the margins of the business owner, rendering this infeasible.

The blockspace for NEM and Symbol is relatively cheap and the cost of keeping the inventory on-chain could be offset by levies on #NEM.

Contrast to actual enterprise inventory management software, which often costs 10k USD to 35k USD for smaller shops (if they would even consider selling it to an independent operator).

You are looking at less than <$100 USD a month with #NEM or #Symbol.

Both chains are suitable for this concept, but the implementation would differ. NEM would allow automatic collection of a 'transparency tax', but Symbol would allow each item to have its own image metadata.

These are just my musings from this morning. I'd love to hear feedback from individuals who work in hospitality, cafes, and bars. How much time do you spend, per month, adding up your invoices and managing your inventory? Do you think this is something that could help you?

Some addendums. @cryptoBeliever_ informed me that #NEM mosaics can't be created without a namespace. There is no concern about only one party 'owning' a given product name, given it'll be prepended with the root namespace (so CatCafe.BudWeiser and DogDiner.BudWeiser are seperate mosaics, representing the same item at the Cat Cafe and Dog Diner locations. ).

This introduces upfront overhead on the business operator, but in my mind, the additional transparency and efficiency boon is something either a supplier or customer would be more than willing to pay for.

A cent per customer, per item is more than enough to cover these costs (if the owner wanted to avoid eating into his own margins).






















いくつか追記。cryptoBeliever_さんから、#NEMモザイクは名前空間がないと作成できないとの情報をいただきました。ルート名前空間が付加されるため、ある製品名を1つの当事者だけが「所有」する懸念はありません(したがって、CatCafe.BudWeiser と DogDiner.BudWeiser は別々のモザイクで、Cat Cafe と Dog Diner の場所で同じアイテムを表しています。).

