ウォッチライブ:James Comeyは、上院審問でトランプ&ロシア大統領の調査について証言 | taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢

taroozaの不思議の謎解き 邯鄲(かんたん)の夢


WATCH LIVE: James Comey Testifies on President Trump & Russia Investigation at Senate Hearing

11 時間前にライブ配信開始

WATCH LIVE: Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies on President Trump and Russia Investigation at Senate Hearing 6/8/2017
ライブを見る:前FBI長官、ジェームス・コミーは、上院でトランプとロシアの大統領との証言を審理する 6/8/2017

In his first public appearance since his dismissal last month, former FBI Director James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. President Trump is going to be brought up along with meetings and memos and firing and lots of different things, donald trump has asked senate to look into the matters, this is senate live

LIVESTREAM: Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies About President Trump and Russia Investigation 6/8/2017
LIVE STREAM: Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies About President Trump and Russia Investigation 6/8/2017

President Trump questions will be asked about topics of the day during senate during a Expect Questions on Russia Hearing
There Has Been A Lot of news lately on Russia Trump Investigation in this is breaking news and latest news from senate press conference and news today in politics news and us news and political news from u.s. and russia investigation and current events, president donald trump has been under the scope and also criticized , this is politics this is news and donald trump live news with


this is live trump news from this is also breaking and latest news in politics news and us news and word news !


this is political news and politics news in latest news in top stories and current events and world news and news today and breaking news today and latest news comey to testify at comey hearing




追加2017.6.9 10;10 ↓














 ▽大統領からフリン前大統領補佐官への捜査中止を求められたことを指示だと受け止め、不安を覚えた (ワシントン 共同)



