いい夢を見た Dream about X Japan | ☆Fragmentcollector~♪


゚・:,。★耽美物語 - the Tales of Aesthetics★。,:・゚

Good morning! I just woke up.
Tonight I had a dream about X Japan ( ´艸`)

Some closed friends went to a live of X Japan. Unfortunatly I didn't have a ticket, but I still came to the live hall. (I think I planned to go to a metel concert somewhere near be a little later) I could still hear them from outside and suddenly I heared a security sait so another fan outside since the live already started we can also go inside without tickets. For some reason there was space even in front of the stage on the right side. So I went there. I was so happy, but what was even more unbelievable: hide was on the stage and about to have his solo (≧▽≦) He had a lot of dancers wearing headscarfs. Since I was so close to the stage I was difficult to see him behind his dancers. He tried to describe a dance to the audience. I think that was quite complicated... Anyway, suddenly he left the stage right in front of the handing a small piece of paper so a girl in the audice, so she should describe the dance to the people around her. But see seemed confused so I told hide, she was maybe not able to read his handwriting (^_^;) It seemed like he didn't care about it and just enjoyed the time with the audience. I was getting more and more crowded around him while he was sitting on the floor in front of me. I told him in Germany it would be even more crowded. He just smiled and gave me a hug. I didn't know else he said but we talked for a while. f^_^; I remember how soft his skin felt and how happy I was I had the chance to see him and to talk to him. I think he said something about the live and about Yoshiki. Then he described the difficult dance again and went back on stage. I was over the moon.
But when he started his solo, I woke up (;_;)

Maybe I should sleep more often that close to my Platinum-Egoist-flavored Yoshiki doll (´0ノ`*)
Since I'll never be able to meet hide in person or see him even live, I'm very happy I had this dream. о(ж>▽<)y ☆
And it's great to wake up with such a wonderful feeling of happyness :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:

We are X