Thunderstorm of Goodbye | ☆Fragmentcollector~♪


゚・:,。★耽美物語 - the Tales of Aesthetics★。,:・゚

Now the Versailles tour has come to an end for me. I had a great time in Amsterdam Cologne and Hamburg. (I'll write more about the concerts later.
This night there was a thunderstorm, a thunderstorm of goodbye like in the past. In Hamburg I gave Teru a letter which included the sentance "I wish for rain."and there it was tonight. In the past, after a great time came to an end, there often had been a thundersrom, so I called them "thunderstorm of goodbye. On my way back home yesterday I thought a lot about all the impressions I got during the last days. I already miss Versailles and want to see them again, I hope that day will come soon.

Versailles ありがとう!


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