April 1st | ☆Fragmentcollector~♪


゚・:,。★耽美物語 - the Tales of Aesthetics★。,:・゚

Today is April 1st, day of April Fool -.-"
I never liked this day much because I was often victem of April Fool's jokes ゛(`ヘ´#)
Today it was deviantart.com making silly April Fool's jokes with every members Avatar (-з-)" Not very funny... I thought I was hacked -.- I HATE TWILLIGHT! ! !(>.<)

Weather is also very typical for April ^-^;
First there was snow pellet and soon it looked like winter everywhere.
Just 5 minutes later the sun came out again and soon there was no cloud anymore at the sky (´0ノ`)

Later I'll go to Japanese "Stammtisch" (^o^)/ I'm really looking forward to see all my Japanese friends there ^___^ I wounder that they'll say about my new haircolor ^-^

Tomorrow my dear Na-chan will return ≧(´▽`)≦