回港也有一段時間, 而距離我回去加國的日期也有一段時間
但多年在加國的生活, 令我有一個對著花花草草的習慣
小學時中午會去後山, 大學時放學不是去在林園中的小白屋CAFE
我很喜歡花香, 但雨後的泥土味更能令我心靈上得到平靜
也許.....這就是我那麼愛BURGUNDY的PINOT NOIR的原因吧


It has been some time since I came to Hong Kong, and also some time ahead before I return to Canada. I really like Hong Kong, but there is some nostalgic moments I had while living in Hong Kong. Being raised and lived in Caanda for more than 20 years, I am so used to being surrounded by nature. I still remember my elementary school days where I would go to the outskirt of a forest where it was close to my school during lunch time, and the university days where I would take a walk in a ecological "park" (it is more like a forest), or spend time in the "little white house", a shabby chic style cafe with its own garden. I adore the floral fragrant of a garden, yet it is the aroma of moist soil after rain that soothes me. Perhaps that's the reason why I love Burgundy's Pinot Noir that much (but man....those stuff are expensive!)

In a busy, world-class  metropolitan city like Hong Kong, it is almost impossible find nature. In fact, this place is so crowded that nature can be seen as luxury. But I was lucky enough to find a place in the middle of the busiest, most expensive (in terms of real estate prices) location in Hong Kong. 



This place is special for me because it has a rose garden



This park have seasonal flowers bloom during the year
Like those above are for Chinese New Year.



This place has an area with nice outdoor table and seat open to the public.
I always love to enjoy my afternoon there with delicate desserts and sweets, and read and listen to my favorite composers.


I am really glad there is a place like this in Hong Kong


Thank you for watching!
