另願不吃LUNCH, 而走去做20分鐘MASSAGE
從那時候開始, 有空就會去按.

Recently I am in love with beauty salon that offers massage and facial services. I begin to visit massage place regularly since I was enrolled in the sommelier course. My class ran every Monday from 9 am to 6 pm which I basically just sat there for those hours. What makes it worse it those "designer" chairs in the classroom, causing unbearable lower back aches if you sat there for longer than 30 min. Because of that I would rather visit massage place (those combines oriental acupuncture for health benefits) during my 45 min lunch break. I think that it is better to invest in my spinal health than to eat. Since then, I would visit massage places (and recommend to friends) regularly. 


長期下去, 皮膚狀態會變得很差
有空還是要請專業人士幫忙 。゚(T^T)゚。

I found a nice beauty salon close to my apartment.
My daytime work (in Canada) becomes night time work in Hong Kong and it is very unhealthy for me. I notice that my skin condition is getting bad.......even nutritious food and/or moisturizing skin care routine can no longer helps. And I know it is time to go to the professionals 。゚(T^T)゚。

It is a bad cycle of  stay up late and make money > use what I made to go for facial because I stay up late.....and this cycle is going to continue until I am back to Canada.....orz


試過在別的一家和友人一起做BODY (那一家開至5AM)
感覺很好. 很想再有一些是和親友一起光顧美容院的約會.
這比起喝茶食甜點的TEA DATE 和塞到滿肚子食物的飯局

Last week I went to another spa/salon that open late (till 5 am!!) with my friends. I really enjoy these "spa dates" with my friends. It is a lot more relaxing than the typical afternoon tea and dinner dates, as well as no need to worry about putting on a few pounds just because you want to meet your friends.



Cosmetics I bought recently~
When I was still in Canada, Dior's make up director really got me into their products. I used to use some of their products couple years ago where I stopped a while later after finding their products being on the mediocre level. But after that visit to Dior cosmetics, I was blown away. I learnt that they are now focusing in the skincare aspect in their cosmetics, making their cosmetics beneficial to skin rather then just simply color pigmentation.


DIORSKIN NUDE BB CREAM 012 - 玫瑰珍珠色有助改善膚色
ROUGE SERUM 470 - 有色潤唇膏. 470是很自然的COLOR
DIORSHOW MAXIMIZER - 睫毛打底液, 有神級卷曲功效
DIORSHOW ICONIC - 同是有神級卷曲功效的睫毛液


Diorskin Nude bb Cream 012 ~ it is in rosy pink beige that helps to improve skin tone

Rouge serum 470 - I love this moisturizing lip stick that is more of a lip balm than lipstick. Color 470 gives a natural shimmer on lips

Diorshow Maximizer - lash serum. It has micro fiber and SUPERB curling effect. Even my short lashes curls up WITHOUT USING A CURLER!!!!

Diorshow Iconic overcurl - another mascara with superb curling effect. Use this with the lash serum and my lashes curls like a magic (cuz I never see my lashes curls up....orz)

As for eye shadow, it is "Mystere" from Chanel. It was recommended by my dear Lati I saw her using it in our trip to Vegas, and I have to say I ADORE this palette


Beauty talk ends here
Thank you for watching!
