
Most lolita sip tea on a regular basis, and leave anything alcoholic away from their lolita lifestyle. But there are those who are mature enough to develop a sophisticated taste of wine. In this post I want to show you two wines that I adore and would consider to be beverage of the night if I am going to throw a lolita dinner party.


法國, 人民視為文化証明.
這點我也很認同. 畢竟
息息相關, 什至是文化的根基.

而酒喝下去也不單單是"酒"的味道, 這個時候配搭就開始邊得有趣了!
是單單的紅酒配紅肉, 白酒配白肉的道理.
如酒的果香更出, 食物的味道更鮮甜

但也有些時候, 我單純是想喝下一瓶好酒,
配的不是美食, 而是和友人相聚的歡樂時光.

Having a glass of wine while dinning is common in Europe. Whereas other parts of the world such  as most Asian countries such phenomenon is rather rare. Unless it is some kind of celebration of events, you rarely see Asians dine with wine (spirits/beer doesn't count). However, nowadays it has become a trend to dine with wine. Wine (those made from grapes) are fashionable.

As an Asian I do not find wine is only a trend/fashion. It is culture itself. Along with cuisine, they make the basis of civilization. That's why I choose to, despite how challenging it is,  to learn about wine and food pairing. I am obsessed with religion as you can see from my love on Moi-meme-Moitie that uses religious motif often in their design. This obsession not only guide me into the field of Religious Studies in my University years, but also open doors to the culture and history of wine which closely associated with the Church. It was the monks who first made/realize such things as what is know to be Champagne now. It was also the monks who map out Burgundy, where the top Pinot Noir of the world is grown.  And more importantly, wine is the center of the Eucharist. But if you are not as fanatic into religion as I am, then you might also find wine interesting because when it is paired with food, it works magic on the flavors. Dining with wine paring is truly an experience and entertainment.

Wine plays a significant role in my gothic lolita lifestyle. It is meant to be enjoyed with appreciation. I have picked 2 wines that I absolutely adore as a recommendation to those who share the same perspective as I do.


Vincent Delaport~ Sancerre~ Pinot Noir

PINOT NOIR是我最愛的葡萄.

這PINOT NOIR有男性化的結構, 但那女性化的香味像花露水一樣 
入口時是士多啤莉, 紅梅的味道. 而FINISH就像盛開的玫瑰園

Pinot Noir is my favorite grape. This wine is not from Burgundy where Pinot Noir is the king. It is from the noble's playland - Loire. The Sancerre region from Loire is very close to Burgundy, hence the soil are quite similar to those in Macon in Burgundy.

This PN is a complete balance between masculinity and femininity. On the one hand, you have the masculine structure; on the others, intense delicate floral flavor with sweet strawberries on the palate, and a lingering finish with rose petals.....as if you have walked into a rose garden!


Domaine du Gros' Nore from Bandol, Provence

法國南部PROVENCE出名陽光, 鮮花, 香草, 和薰衣草.
我更喜歡一邊喝它, 一邊上網追LOLITA網 *笑*

Provence from the south of France is famous for its sun, fresh flowers, herbs and Lavender. This rose from Bandol region of Provence is not only very pretty in its ballerina pink, it also has alot to offer on the nose. Fresh, intense nose of ripe peach and pear and balance with a touch of minerality.  It is a perfect pair with my favorite salad - the Nicoise Salade.

But I also like it on its own, especially when I am browsing through lolita fashion and hime fashion websites! (‐^▽^‐)


Thank you for watching!
