
The Paris Olympics have begun, and fireworks festivals on the Sumida River held. Other summer events are taking place one after the other.


出席者:Sam, Amy, Haruko, Fumie, Noric

MC: Fumie   

Blog: Noric




ニコニコ「シェアケーキ プロジェクト」というクラウドファンディングがあります。ひとり親家庭等、経済的に余裕のない家の子供達に誕生日ケーキを届けようという活動です。提携している洋菓子店が、このプロジェクトに申込みをした家庭にケーキを届けるという仕組み。子供が幸せな誕生日を過ごせるように、私もケーキ1台分、4000円を送金しました。


There is a crowdfunding campaign called the "Share Cake Project." It is an activity to provide birthday cakes to children from single-parent families and other financially disadvantaged families. Affiliated pastry shops deliver cakes to families who apply for the project. I sent 4,000 yen for a cake so that a child could have a happy birthday.




Tsuda Umeko, whose portrait appears on the new 5,000 yen banknote, is the founder of Tsuda University. Her background is remarkable. At just six years old, she went to the United States as Japan's first female international student, studying there for 11 years. And then returned to the United States for a second time. After returning to Japan, she worked as an English teacher at several girls' schools, and devoted herself to the education of women during the Meiji period.




More and more men are using parasols. I hardly saw any around eight years ago, but back then, many people thought that it was embarrassing for men to use parasols. There are also small neck fans and neck coolers to protect against the heat, so I'm going to do some research and choose a product that is easy to use.






Stores with self-checkouts are becoming more and more common. To make up for labor shortages, more advanced machines are becoming more and more convenient, such as being able to tell the payment amount just by scanning the entire basket containing items. However, in the United States, some supermarkets have removed their self-checkouts, and it seems that manned checkouts are achieving better sales. There may be a catch to these convenient machines.




Both beach sandals and iced coffee are products that originated in Japan. After the war, An American came to Japan to help with the revival of Japanese industry. One day he saw zori sandals and came up with the idea of ​​making them out of rubber. That is how beach sandals got started. It is said that iced coffee started when a cafe in Kanda, Tokyo, started serving chilled coffee. Japan has a culture of cooling food in the summer, so people probably thought that cold coffee would be a good drink on a hot day.




Written by Noric