

Now is in the early afternoon and it's also a clear day like an early summer. However, it cools down in the morning and night, so please kindly take care of ourseleves.キラキラ








Now some young people seem not to make a decision. For example, “They can’t decide to buy which lunch box they want at convenience store” and “They don’t know which clothes to choose today”, or so. It’s so-called “”Decision fatigue”. In today’s world, Information is abundant and we have to always sort through information and find what we need. So a company provide young people who don’t know what they want to do on holidays information of shopping & climbing, or so and the service seems to get good reviews.




Have you ever been to host club and experienced their service? A British article says that “host club” or “cabaret club” are unique to Japan and there isn’t such kind of service in the other countries. Hosts flatter their clients, women so that he can make her consume a lot of money. His words make her feel good, so she spends big money for building a tower of champagne glasses and gives large financial help to her favorite male companion, or so. Therefore we always hear bad reputation about host club, but the origin was a dance hall. The club has been located in Yaesu near Tokyo sta. and the hosts provided rich ladies not drinking & chattering with the ladies but a role of dance partner. Host clubs of this style were popular in 1970’s of economic boom. Current job of host/hostess seems to be stressful, so many hostess visit host club for getting some healing for a short time..




Sports day in the elementary school where my daughters go was held on 1st June. In my elementary school student days, mothers used to get up early and make gorgeous lunch box so that all family members could enjoy at schoolyard. But the custom has died out since covid-19 disaster happened. Now almost principals seem to plan to make the event finish by 1:00 pm, so each grade has 2 events only, short-distant race and expression like a dance, human pyramid. As another change after copid-19, Guardians can stay “the best spectator’s area” when their children is performing only. After that, they have to switch with one another whose children are to perform next program. This year the number of their grandparents seemed to increase significantly compared with the past years after the disaster had happened.




Technological efficiency brings both ease and unease; should machines do things we like to do ourselves? Here is an parable story about it. Engineers from a developed country constructed a well in a poor village in a developing country, women no longer had to go to a distant river to fetch water. Six months later, one of the women who had been freed from her chore of fetching water had committed suicide. Why did such a tragedy happen? For the women, the time they spent walking to the river to fetch water with their friends was a time to escape the eyes of their husbands and enjoy light conversation. Now their husbands would not stand for their chatter and time-wasting by the well, in front of their own eyes. The engineers had never imagined any negative implications of their technology; they just wanted to help the women. The story was to show how technology can have the opposite of its intended effect, depending on the circumstances.



See you next week音譜

Written by Fumie