

The season of new green leaves is coming. I bought Sukiyaki bowl at Kakiyasu for lunch on the way to the office, and took it at Hibiya park near the office yesterday. The taste was so good! It was a great time I felt pleasant breeze and be calm down even though the busy work days are continuing.霧


参加者: Noric, Masa, Fumie, Akane

MC: Fumie

Blog: Akane 





Junior high school entrance examination is overheating these days. About 70% of the classmate in the primary school my daughter studies seem to get the exam. The test level is getting more difficult than one 30 years ago.

The parents pay likely about 3 million yen for cram school for three years during fourth grade to sixth grade of the child.




We are facing shipping problem in Japan these days. We are receiving the benefit of convenient internet shopping system. I’m feeling the service is getting worse in the same time. The lack of workforce is also becoming a driver of this. In Tokyo it took two or three days from shipping to arriving by Japan Post service, despite of it used to be only a day a few years before.




The study examined the link between the foods individuals liked and disliked and their mental well-being and cognitive health. The data of nearly 182,000 older adults in the U.K. Biobank was used for this study. As a result, older people who aren’t picky eaters appear to have better mental health and well-being and did better on cognitive tests than those who prefer more limited diets.





Do you know “When Fallopia japonica blooms (Sukanpo no Sakukoro)”? The composer is Kosaku Yamada and the songwriter is Hakushu Kitahara presented in 5th year of Showa era. Sukanpo (Fallopia japonica) came from Europe  has strong propagation power and become a popular plant in Japan. I used to eat freash Sukanpo putting a little salt as a snack when I was a child.




The next session will be held on Skype from 3:00 pm on May 25th!


Written by Akane音譜