


Today was a refreshing day with moderate temperature and humidity, strong wind.

The laundry dried comfortablyウインク








②グレーブ東京社の世界初クローゼット型棺桶・・生きている間はクローゼットとして使えるポップな棺 素材は燃え易い特殊強化ダンボール

③創価学会専用 グレイスプレイス社の鏡壇ミラリエ(薄型インテリア壁掛け仏壇)・・一見は素敵な鏡ですがスイッチオンするとLED照明が点灯し鏡は透明になり、中に安置したご本尊が透けて見えます


I will introduce unique funeral-related goods.ウインク

①Garden of light Corporation・・ending dress

②Grave Tokyo Corporation・・The world’s first closet-shaped coffin~~ It's a pop coffin that can be used as a closet while the owner is alive. The material is a flammable feature reinforced cardboard.

③It's for the Soka Gakkai, Grace place Corporation・・Mirror alter"Mirarie"~~Thin interior wall-mounted Buddhist alter, at first glance,it's a nice mirror, but when you turn on the switch, the LED light turns on and the mirror becomes transparent. You can see through the principal image enshrined inside.


〇数日間で太陽フレアが何回も発生しました 太陽フレアとは電磁波などの放出により地球の電波伝搬に影響をもたらす太陽の表面の爆発です 太陽フレアは電磁波、プラズマを放出しその一部は地球に届き、大規模停電、人工衛星の機能停止、携帯電話・キャッシュレス決済への影響がありました汗うさぎ 太陽は11年周期で活動の低下と活発化を繰り返し、今年は活発化の年です


The solar flare has occurred many times in a few days. A solar flare is an explosion on the surface of the sun that affects the earth's radio waves by the emission of electromagnetic waves. The solar flare emits electromagnetic plasma, and a part of it reaches the earth. It affected large-scale power outage artifitial satellite shutdown, mobile phones and cashless payment汗うさぎ The sun repeatedly decreases in activity and activates in an 11-year cycle, and this is the year of activation.


〇千代田区合同庁舎地下の「丼食堂きくはる」はコスパが良く、昭和の雰囲気があり好評です しっかりと手料理感があり、おすすめは小鉢セット(具沢山の豚汁、ご飯、多数の小鉢から4鉢選べます)で月~木は630円、金は580円ビックリマーク 小鉢はㇾバニラ炒め、おでん(卵とさつま揚げetc)、冷奴、揚げたてのコロッケ、メンチ、アジフライ、イカフライetc.

木村カレー(秘伝のカレー)は780円でとても美味しいそうです 感じ良いおじさん、おばさん、お姉さんが迎えてくれ、珍しい現金払いです 機会があれば行ってみて下さい


In the basement of the Chiyoda ward Joint Government Building, "Bowl restaurant Kikuharu" has a good cost performance,  Showa atmosphere, and is popular. It has a firm sense of hand cooking,and recommendation is a small bowl set(Pork miso soup with a lot of ingredients, rice, you can choose 4 small bowls from many bowls)It's 630yen from Monday to Thursday and 580yen on Fridayビックリマーク The small bowls are stir-fried lebanira, oden(egg and satsumaage) cold tofu, freshly fried croquette, menchikatsu, fried horse mackerel, fried squid etc.  Kimura curry is 780yen and seems to be very delicious. A pleasant middle-aged man and woman, young woman welcomed us and it's a rare cash payment. If you have a chance, please go there.  


See you next week!


    written by Amy