3月になりました雛人形 大物野球選手のサプライズ報告、花粉、地震・・とちょっとあわただしい月のはじめですが、



It's already March. We are having hectic events .. surprizing marriage report from famous baseball player, ceder pollen, earthquakes .. so we started English activity cheerfully so far!


参加者:Amy, Noric, Akane, Haruko

MC: Noricラブラブ

Blog: Harukoルンルン


救急車 76歳の知人が「急性大動脈解離」を発症。尋常でない胸の痛みを感じ、自分で救急車を呼び、病院に搬送されました。3日間は意識がありませんでしたが、その後手術を受け、2週間後に無事退院できました。命を落とす人も少なくないので、彼女は幸運だっだと思います。原因は主に高血圧なので、気を付けたいですね。


A former collogueof my husband suffered from Acute Aortic Dissection last month.

She felt unusual chest pain so suddenly, and she called an ambulance by herself. She was sent to the hospital she has been unconscious for 3 days. She could leave  the hospital after undergoing surgery. Now she is getting better. Some people would lose their lives from this disease. She must be very lucky!


ハンバーガー アメリカのマクドナルドは、国民が健康志向になったこと、競合が多いことなどから、今年から商品の質の向上を頑張っています。一度に焼けるパテの量を8個から6個に減らす、バンズを柔らかなブリオッシュ風に、レタスやピクルスを冷蔵保存にして鮮度を保つ・・などです。最近はシニア世代もマックを好んで食べているそうです。消費者の心をつかめるでしょうか?

MacDonald’s in US makes effort to improve the quality of their products. Because People in US become more health conscious these days , and hamburger chain restaurants became very competitive.  

They reduced the number of patties which are baked at the same time, and changed the buns to softer ones like brioche, and decided to keep lettuces and pickles in the fridge. Is this strategy catchy for customers?


病院 韓国では、医師不足を解消するため、政府が大学医学部の入学定員を拡大すると発表したことで、多くの医師がこれに反発、大規模なストライキが起きています。競争が激化すると、医師は過剰な治療を行なったり、高給の皮膚科や美容整形に医師が偏り、小児科、産科など必要不可欠な分野の医師は低賃金のままになる・・などを懸念しているからです。ストライキのせいで治療や手術を延期せねばならず、深刻な状況です。


Thousands of junior doctors in South Korea have been going on strike refusing to the government’s push to recruit more medical students. They predict doctors in greater competition would perform overtreatment — increasing public medical expenses — and, like current medical students, most of the additionally recruited medical students would also likely try to work in high-paying, popular professions like plastic surgery and dermatology. That means the country’s long-running shortage of physicians in essential yet low-paying areas like pediatrics, obstetrics and emergency departments would remain unchanged. Urgent surgery and treatment were postponed due to strike. It is very serious.


節分 皆が知る「桃太郎」。何故、突然鬼退治をしたのか?正確な理由は不明です。実は鬼というのは、大和朝廷時代に百済の国から岡山県吉備地方に来た、渡来人なのです。体も大きく、また高度な鉄器技術を持った彼らは温羅と呼ばれて、地元の人たちとはうまくやっていました。が、温羅を快く思わなかった大和朝廷が、彼らを退治するために送り込んだ「吉備津彦の命」、彼が桃太郎だといわれています。民話には隠された真実がまだまだありそうですね。


Momotaro is well-known folklore in Japan. But the reason why Monotao and his company attacked ogres is uncertain. Actually, the ogre was considered as the refugee who had come from Kudara of Korean peninsula to Kibi area of Okayama prefecture at Yamato era. They were very big and masculine, and they had an excellent technique of iron. They were called Ura,  and familiar to the local people. But Yamato dynasty didn’t have positive image to them. Yamato dynasty sent a man ‘ Kibitunomikoto’ to attack Ura people. He was probably ‘Monotaro’.  Important and interesting  facts are still hidden in Japanese folklore.


See you soonラブ

Written by Haruko