



 The other day was a hot day, a cold rainy day after that, and it's sunny today.

"Cold for three days and then warm for four days." is a seasonal word for winter.

Now that the first day of spring has passed, it's spring on the calendar, so I thought I couldn't that ward. But, according to the classification of the Japan Meteorological Agency, it's winter in February, so in general, we can use that word.


参加者;Masa,Noric, Fumie,Haruko,Amy




〇電動キックボードに乗っている人を見たことがありますか? 何件も事故が起き死亡事故も起きました なのにあっという間に昨年7月規制緩和がされ、免許が無くても乗れる機種もあり、ヘルメットも義務ではなく努力義務ですえー なぜ政府はこの新しい乗り物を急いで推し進めるのでしょうか?何かの力が働いている気がします


Have you ever seen someone riding an electric kickboards?  Many accidents occurred, and also fatal accident occurred. But in no time,it was deregulated last July, there are also models that you can ride without a licence, helmets are also not an obligation, but a duty of effortえー Why is the government rushing to push this new vehicle? I feel like some kind of power is working.



〇麻生太郎氏が上川外務大臣について「美人とは思わないがこのおばさんはやるねぇ 通訳なしでどんどん仕事ができる」などと言いました それに対し彼女は「どのような声も有難く受け止めている」とコメントしました ところがそのコメントに賛否両論が出ました ニヤリ「大人の対応で良い」と「ハラスメントを受けても咎めないのは悪い 弱者は増々何も言えなくなる」です 皆さんはどう思いますか?


Taro Aso said about Foreign Minister Kamikawa "She' s not beautiful, but this middle age woman will do it. She can work more and more without an interpreter."  On the otherhand, she commented that "I am grateful for any voice."  However, there are pros and cons of that comment.ニヤリ "It was good to deal with adults." and "It's bad not to blame even if you're harassed. The weak can't say anything more and more." What do you all think?


〇K-PopのBTSは昨年、アメリカで1番の人気となり、欧州、アジアでも多くの人々が魅了されています 美男美女揃いで、歌詞はキャッチーで短く、グループのダンスはスタイリッシュでシンクロしています あるオーディションには12万人が応募しましたビックリマーク この成功の理由は何でしょう?


K-pop'sBTS became the most popular in the United States last year. Many people are also fascinated in Europe and Asia. Beautiful men and beautiful women, the phrase is catchy and short, and the group dance is stylish and synchronized. 120,000 people applied for an audition.ビックリマーク What is the reason for this success?


〇自宅を改築するか、建て直すか迷いましたが、建て直すことにしましたウインク 住友林業、三井ホーム、セキスイハウスに夫婦で面談しましたら 各社のプランはそれぞれ大きく異なるものでした 結局、住友林業に決定し1月に契約し、今日仮住まいの家の契約をしました これからレイアウト、色選びetc・・・忙しくなりますウインク


I wasn't sure whether to renovate my house or rebuild it, but I decided to rebuild itウインク I interviewed with my husband at Sumitomo Forestry, Mitsui Home, and Sekisui House, each company's plans were very different. In the end, I decided to go to Sumitomo Forestry, signed a contract in January, and signed a contract for a temporary house today. I'll busy choosing layouts and colors from now onウインク 


〇旧遠山邸に行きました 遠山元一は埼玉に生まれ尋常高等小学校を終え16才の時に兜町の仲買人宅に住み込みで働き、28才で独立し後の日興証券まで発展させました そして46才の時、苦労した母のために粋を極めた邸宅を建てました 現在の価値で120億円をかけたと言われています しかしもはや今では同額を使っても建てることはできない 最高の木材、デザイン、技術が集結した、しかもさり気ない近代和風建築の宝だと思いました 成金的な感じは一切なく、総監督を任された実弟の美意識にも感服しました


I went to FormerToyama residence. Genichi Toyama was born in Saitama and worked live-in a stock broker's house in Kabutocho when he was 16 years old after finishing X-ST High School,when he was 28 years old, he became independent and later developed into Nikko Securities. And when he was 46 years old,  built the residence which was full of the best for his mother who had a hard time. It is said that it cost 12 billion yen in the current value. But now we can't build it the same amount of cost anymore. I think it's a treasure of modern Japanese-style architecture that gathers the best wood, design, technology. I didn't feel like a lot of money at all, and I was also impressed by the aesthetic sense of his younger brother who was appointed as the general manager.




See you on Skype again on Saturday.ウインク


    written by Amy