

It`s been warm days, so hard to believe it's February. The plum blossoms are in full bloom! At this rate, the cherry blossom season will be early.

参加者:Masa, Amy, Haruko, Akane, Noric






Do you know Genichi Toyama? The founder of Nikko Securities. Although he was born into a wealthy farming family, due to the downfall of his family, he was sent to work as a broker in Kabutocho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo. 15 years later, he used the skill he learned to found Kawashimaya Shoten, the predecessor of Nikko Securities. The Toyama residence, which he built to rebuild his birthplace and to house his mother, is a mansion that brought together the best skills of carpenters and plasterers of the time. The collection of Toyama, who was also an art collector, is on display and is worth a look! I'm planning to visit within this month.




One of the Seven Wonders of Enshu (present-day western Shizuoka Prefecture) is "Namikozo." It is a specter that lets you know when the weather is changing by making a sound similar to the rumble of the sea. It is said that if the sound is heard in the west, it will be sunny and rainy in the east, and it was used as a guide for fishermen when going out to sea. Even though these phenomena can now be explained meteorologically, in the past they were deeply rooted in people's lives as the work of specters.




Recycling sounds like an environmentally friendly act, but it hardly works when it comes to clothing. For example, 93% of polyester is recycled from plastic bottles, not from fibers. Once recycled, fibers cannot be recycled again and are mostly incinerated or dumped. Large amounts of textile waste are flooding landfills in Asia and Africa. Knowing this reality, we hesitate to buy or dispose of clothes without considering.




I will be guiding guests from overseas who use wheelchairs. In preparation for the actual event, I tried to see if I could successfully transfer trains and reach our destination. Although there were signs at the transfer station that there were wheelchair-accessible elevators, I was fed up with the complexity and long distance it took to get there. Although the number of facilities that claim to be barrier-free has increased, there is still a long way to go before people can move around the city comfortably.




There is a pizza chain that sells "Goodbye Pies" to people who have broken up with someone or are about to break up with them. Pizza Hut in the United States will receive orders through a special website ahead of Valentine's Day on February 14th, and will deliver a pizza and a message in a box with "Goodbye" printed on it. A present that is the complete opposite of the original meaning of Valentine's Day. It's a unique American business idea.





The next circle will be held on Saturday, February 24th. Everyone, please be careful not to catch a cold!


Written by Noric