

Today is the coldest day of the year called Daikan. It is getting cold and It might snow tomorrow 雪


参加者:Amy , Akane, Noric, Fumie, Haruko


Blog: Harukoニヤリ




Today is the coldest day in winter called daikan. Daikan starts today 19th of January and lasts until 3rd of February. During Daikan , winter products will be more delicious and nutrients. Especially Daikan egg is very popular. Vegetables, chicken, yellow tale, spinach... also become more and more delicious!


ラブラブNECとパンの木村屋が '愛のパン' を開発しました。AIを使い、香りでロマンチックな気持ちを感じるように、また恋愛番組の会話や、フルーツやスイーツを含む歌の歌詞を分析して、食品と恋愛を紐づけて表現しています。「相思相愛の味」「失恋の味」などもあるようです。


NEC and Kimuraya bakery  developed ' Love bread ' which uses artificial intelligence to express romantic feelings through flavors. The AI analyzed conversations on a love-themed program. AI quantified the emotions associated with fruits and sweets using the lyrics of 35,000 songs containing words related those foods. Their names are 'wanting to be toghther forever fravor ' tearful fravor'.




When I tried to withdraw the money from my mother’s bank account, ATM couldn’t accept her cash card all of sudden. It is because my mother became 96 years old. But The bank didn’t tell anything about it in the website. It is very annoying and inconvenient for me. My mother is too old, so she can't visit Atm anymore, So I have to manage this problem.




Mongolian singer Yirina is my old friend. She was born in Mongolia. She has learned Japanese traditional song in Sendai. And she contributed to building elementary school and kindergarten in her home country. This time she will hold the charity concert to take care for the people who suffer form Noto peninsula earthquakes. We are looking forward to attending the concert!



Shieido introduced new beauty technology in CES in Las Vegas.

This tool can predict how your face will be 20 years later by measuring your nose Skelton. It shows how many wrinkles will be on your face, how your face will sag...Another one is ’ Beauty AR Navigation’ It gives appropriate advice for your skin care methods and navigate how to massage your face efficiently when the app scans your face.


See you soon!

Written by Haruko音符