recently everything is desperate.
One mistake I made before is keeping me away from next step that I want.
I know i cant take it back, but really frustrated.
I need to move forword and change department to get new oppotunity and experiences, but it won't happen soon.
I need changing.
is there anyone to help me. pls rescue me right away.
I applied some positions recently. But I couldn't proceed next step.
I realized that I don't have enough experiences and the years of continuous employment to get the position that I want.
Even so, I will continue to apply.
What I realized is valuable for me.
In this industry, you need at least 5 years to change your company or get upper position, otherwise you're treated as like entry-level.
I would be treated as 'entry-level' though, I'm so in luck because I was able to have precious experiences in paticular field in last 4 years.
All I have to do now is to get other experiences in other department and learn how to build up the trials.
I'm moving to other department hopefully this year.
You will see how different they would response to my application.
Since I was employed by this company, I often email to colleagues in other countries.
What I often feel when sending email is why they don't response immediately??

I believe the sooner they should response, the farther we are.
Because there is time-lag and there is problems with understanding each other withought face to face.

At least they should tell me what situation they are in now, like they are considering about my questions or they are too busy to reply to me.

Otherwise I would be offended.

Worse story is they response sooner when my senior or director email to them....
They must judge our level in our industry or company, then decide if response to us or not.
How bad it is!!
I am disgusted with myself because of it.

Is there anyone who can answer this problems?
How can I communicate with them??

I feel really bad because the site staff don't understand what I asked and nothing is going to be better.
I'm sometimes so cunfused when I asked others to do something.
Because they refuse changing without any reasons.
I need logics to take their opinion in.
Please somebody persuade me with reasons and logics!
Or say something but not 'umm...'

Anyway I started to go to English job interview class.
It works very well than I expected.
I don't learnd English, but I can get opportunities to think about what I've done and learned in my career.
That's really great for me to straighten things up and to talk to others about who I am.
Tsunami left Japan devastated.
God, if you are there, please don't turn your back on us.