不惑のMBA格闘日記 "Problem Solver's Challenging Diary"-110326bicycle

Yesterday’s morning I went cycling with my wife and son for around 40 minutes. The air was cool, but I enjoyed cycling.

My son is a junior competitive swimmer and he goes to the swimming school five days a week including Saturday mornings. My wife and I usually watch my son’s lesson on Saturday, because we work during the week, so we rarely watch him at night on weekdays. Therefore watching him on Saturday is a pleasure for us.

Until the huge earth quake I took my son to the swimming lessons by car, however after that we go to by bicycle, because we thought that we should save energy. If we go to by car, we use gasoline. But cycling does not need gasoline, a bicycle needs only physical energy. As a result my son stopped going by bus and now goes by bicycle and my wife and I stopped going by car and instead by bicycle. Yesterday’s morning we left my house for the swimming school at 7 o’clock. The temperature was 5, so the air was cool. But after a while my body became hot and the cool air was comfortable. Under the blue sky and a little cool air we could enjoy cycling.

In addition cycling is effective for our health, because cycling uses the leg and trunk muscles and the heart. Therefore cycling kills two birds with one stone including saving energy and improving health.

I save energy and I hope that oil companies will use the surplus energy for the Tohoku-area.