Last week one of my dreams came true, because I studied negotiation and cross-cultural management in Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia. I had never studied, worked and lived in abroad, so I had a dream that I could studied in a foreign university since ten years ago. Therefore I was very happy.

I am studying Bond University BBT MBA program since January 2010. The programs consist 50% English and 50% Japanese which is a long distance learning course. As a result I only study at home in Japan through computer. In addition all students have to join the study tour at least twice before graduation. So I joined the study tour which had two classes including negotiation and cross-cultural management. I attended all classes which had total eight hours per day, and it was very hard for me. Because it was my first experience studying abroad for eight hours lessons in English only. But I challenged learning and I was very satisfied with the classes. Of course it was not totally smooth at all, I failed on my pre-examination and a business presentation. However I continue challenging it, because life is long and a winding road. I learn from mistakes and I stood up again from failure, and I never give up, I am challenging to accomplish my dreams. Last week one of my dreams came true, and my next dream is to achieve the MBA program.

I will study the program and learn English communication as hard as I would. I am chasing my next dream.