Yesterday I went to a dentist and I had my teeth cleaning and received some advice about brushing my teeth. Then I brushed based on advice last night and this morning.

I rarely went to the dentist, because I had not had cavity until I was 22 years old in 1989, I had dental treatment for the first time and did go to the dentist to treat my teeth. I had annually medical examination in August including dental check, then the dentist advised me that I should be removed tartar, so I made an appointment to remove my tartar in a dentist and went to there yesterday.

My teeth condition was not bad, therefore the removal was very smooth. After the treatment, the dentist gave me two advices. First was using a dental floss. I sometimes use a dental floss, however I do not use it on every day. Second was cleaning a right wisdom tooth. I have the wisdom teeth and it is uneasy to clean there with a normal tooth brush. Because a normal tooth brush is too big and does not reach my right wisdom tooth. Therefore, the dentist said that I should use mini tooth brushes additionally.

Last night, I used a normal tooth brush, a internal dental floss and a mini tooth brush. I continue to use three cleaning equipment and clean my teeth three times every day.