This Wednesday one person joined to my team, so he is my new teammate.

My team is the division’s internal control team which was established in 2008, so my team is one of the newest team or section in my division. My team mates are nine, but full-time member are only two people and part-time member are seven. Therefore my team is very compact. This month my former boss was transferred to a subsidiary and I became the leader, and then new person joined. I am very pleased that he is joining us. He is thirty two years old and he has various career, for example trading, IT, risk management and subsidiary’s supporting. But he had never been working for internal control until this month. I have three missions as a leader. First is his improving. I hope that I improve his skills and career better than if he is in a trading section. Second is his new possibility. I hope to develop his new possibility because internal control is new task for him, as a result he has to work as a new character, and it is possible to connect his new possibility and his work. Finally I hope and make that he becomes my running mate. We are only two full-time member, however we will become a strong team as president and vice president. Therefore I hope that he becomes my running mate and I become his ideal leader.

I do my best and I challenge improving by myself.