ニュースで英語術 | 矢印日記






It was when I was a high school student that I first met with this program. I don't remember in detail actually. Probably it was because I liked Kamei Sayoko, who does train announcements on Tokyo Metro subways. Anyway, it has helped me improve my listening skills.


When I started listening to this program, I would make it a rule to listen to the full voice of Ms. Kamei on its website, followed by listening to the audio of the radio program. I would enjoy listening to it while taking a bath. 


I  practiced reading aloud repeatedly. I was shocked and sad to find the website changed and myself unable to listen to the voice of my favorite announcer. Still, I continued to listen, just because I liked it.


At last, my listening skills were a little improved, all thanks to this program. Now I  enjoy watching NHK NEWSLINE, whose Raja Pradhan is my favorite anchor. Now I can understand what they say in the program... which I couldn't now without "ニュースで英語術."


They said thank you so many times... but it is I that I should say thank you.


さて,高校生の頃から聞いているラジオ番組であったニュースで英語術は私の青春と言っても過言ではない。こう聞くとなんともどうも寂しいように思えなくもないが,しかしそれでも大切な時間であったのである。大学生になってからも,電車に乗りながら聞いていた。これだけ長く聞いていて(といっても13年には遠く及ばないが) NEWSLINEをまともに見られるようになったのは最近である。


My English will never be perfect... still, as they said, I will keep at it!

