Without having made up my mind what to write about today, I sit at this desk and am fascinated by the spike in Google search terms, hence the above subject. I am not sure why the search went up. Was it a report from some university? In fact, I have two new nonmuscle symptoms of Parkinson's disease during this time. So-called Non-muscle symptoms of Parkinson's disease include autonomic nervous system symptoms, for example, instead of muscle stiffness and tremor, which are the mainstay of Parkinson's disease. I have dealt with several of these on this blog. But today's is interesting. It is often at the tip of the finger, from the index to the ring finger. It happens randomly. When I try to pick something up, for example, the thing feels hot like a candle flame. This is a momentary occurrence, but I definitely feel the heat of a flickering candle flame. This does not startle me enough to make me take my hand away, but I don't know what it is. I searched and found that this kind of anomalous sensation has already been described by several people in the history of man. The other thing is the cold sweat I had mentioned in this blog the other day. Two days ago I went to see my doctor. Thank you for your hard work even though it's the center of the festival of Obon. These are the two points I mentioned above about my recent situation. He said that autonomic neuropathy is very difficult to treat with medication. He said that if I have numbness in my nerves, it may be caused by Parkinson's medication, and that a multivitamin supplement would help a lot more than I thought. I wondered if I could take a multivitamin drink on my own, and was pleased that I could drink juice every day.

Translated with DeepL and edited by the author.