小鳥遊樹の火地風水4元素 15色の才能を育てる挑戦
「フェアリー ゴッドマザー アイズメソッド」




「FGM愛’sM 15色の才能」





午前中 :片付け、まとめ買い、コンビニ




🔥赤色の情熱の才能の行動…💖ストレッチ、💖筋トレ、目の運動、ウォーキング4686歩、プール、💖ダイエット、💖栄養管理、💖体重測定、8時間以内の飲食、💖8時間睡眠、運動系YouTuberの動画視聴 💖ユウトレさん、💖マリネスさん、💖Ellyさん ウォーキングマシン、ワンダーコアツー、レッグサークル、ステッパー、自転車、足の体操、💖酢&ビオフェルミンを飲む

🌻黄色の創作の才能の行動…アナログ絵画(素描、水彩、水彩色鉛筆、パステル、アクリル、油絵)、デジタル絵画(💖アイビスペイント、クリップスタジオ、クリエイティブクラウドのキャラクターアニメーター) 、立体造形(粘土、とうもろこし、針金、ステンドグラス)、文章(フィクション、ノンフィクション)、SUZURI、作詞.作曲、ユーチューバーになるための文章と💖動画編集、ブログ💖、アナログクリエイター系YouTuberの動画 デジタルクリエイター系YouTuberの動画 リベ大スキルアップ、WEB職TV ,mikimiki webスクールさん、Canvaでホームページ制作、Nao@陶芸主婦さんのブログ、電動轆轤動作確認、陶磁器工房器楽さんの動画やInstagram、オンライン展覧会の動画制作、ろくろで陶芸


homepage 🍀全てのシェア💖、




📘青色の知識の才能の行動…暗記、暗誦、知識、他言語訳、他言語の勉強、学習系YouTuberの動画視聴、ボードゲーム、カードゲーム、元素記号の暗記、 💖日記の英訳、💖💖Duolingo







🖥黒色の科学の才能の行動…好奇心を満たす実験をする()、FGM愛メソッドを深める、科学.プログラミング系YouTuberの動画視聴()、真実の目さんの動画 、chatGPTの動画()プログラミングの勉強





#fairygodmotheraismethod #フェアリーゴッドマザーアイズメソッド #15色の才能 #小鳥遊樹 #Tama #OSHIM #Okiso #息嘯 #ひよこの森のアトリエ #日記 #youtuber #悩み #生きがい #FGM愛M #才能の芽 #教育制度の改革 #愛 #平和 #マイエレメント#4元素 #エレメント #火地風水









I 💖 Appreciate!
I’m Itsuki Takanashi.
Please call me "TAMA".

"FGM AI'sM 15 colors of talent"
Everyone has the talent of 15 colors of fire ,earth, wind and water :4 elements.
The 15 colors can be combined to create endless talents.

My 60th birthday this year.
This is a record of the actions taken to blossom into a talent that will bring happiness to oneself and those around them.
It will be updated every day until the talent blooms.

I had an inferiority complex, self-denial, self-loss, and addiction.
I will be able to affirm and accept myself, and become a mass of talent that can contribute to my surroundings and society.
I will continue to study and train, challenge and fail, so please take a look .
No one knows when talent will blossom.
I'm sorry if I got lost along the way .
This is the digest for Friday, March 1st.

March 1st
Morning: Clean up, buy in bulk, go to convenience store
Daytime: Video shooting, studying bookkeeping, exercising, duolingo, ibis Paint
Night: Video editing, routine, blogging, reading, watching videos

I wrote the timeline in a note.
Please take a look.


🎁With training and study to develop the talent of 15 colors, a heart mark will be placed on the color I act on.

[Fire element talent]
🔥Red passion talent actions...💖Stretching, 💖Muscle training, eye exercise, walking 4686 steps, pool, 💖Diet, 💖Nutrition management, 💖Weight measurement, eating and drinking within 8 hours, 💖Sleeping for 8 hours, exercise system Watch videos of YouTubers 💖 Yutre, 💖 Marines, 💖 Elly walking machine, Wonder Core Two, leg circle, stepper, bicycle, leg exercises, 💖 drinking vinegar & biofermin

🍊Activities of orange self-expression talents...Singing, guitar, drama, dance, performance, reading, ukulele, watching videos of entertainment YouTubers (Showa popular songs)

🌻 Actions of yellow creative talent...Analog painting (drawing, watercolor, watercolor pencil, pastel, acrylic, oil painting), digital painting (💖Ibis Paint, Clip Studio, Creative Cloud character animator), three-dimensional modeling (clay, corn, Wire, stained glass), writing (fiction, non-fiction), SUZURI, lyrics. Composition, writing for becoming a YouTuber 💖Video editing, blogging 💖, videos of analog creator YouTubers, videos of digital creator YouTubers, Libe great skill improvement, web job TV, mikimiki web school, homepage creation with Canva, Nao@ Ceramic housewife's blog, checking the operation of the electric potter's wheel, videos and Instagram of the pottery studio Kigaku, video production for online exhibitions, pottery on the potter's wheel

[Wind Element Talent]

🌿The actions of the yellow-green spreading talent... Comedy, word play, watching videos of comedians and magician YouTubers, 💖 LINE with parents and alumni, informing LINE groups about new moons and full moons, LINE with acquaintances, shops Contact us, email with Leo and the Lord, 💖Surf the internet, reply to emails
Twitter 1.🍀💖 (🔥Daily actions and thoughts), Twitter 2.🍀 (🖥Diffusion of methods)
Facebook🍀All shares💖
YouTube (🍀FGM love'a method, 🍀Examples of talent, 🍀💖💖Developing 15 colors of talent, 🍀Magic school, 🍀Itsuki-kun the alien, 🍀Top 10 language rankings also created),
note (🍀 video sharing, 💖🍀 diary),
homepage 🍀All shares💖,
Ameba🍀Share videos💖,
Blogger🍀Share videos💖,

Hatena Blog💖🍀Diet diary
Instagram1.💖🍀15 Color Talent🌻Instagram2.🍀Method🖥Instagram3.🍀Cooking🥞
TikTok (🍀Method🖥🍀Create🌻)

🌲Activities of the green fraternity's talents...Gardening, going to the thrift store, doing things that are good for the global environment, taking care of houseplants, caring for and harvesting vegetables, watching videos of gardening YouTubers, cleaning the path and weeding, attracting branches, Trimming high branches, sweeping fallen leaves, removing trash from the riverbed, shredding branches, recycling station, greetings, LINE with relatives, LINE with friends, mowing, weeding, collecting dead grass, visitors, composting, electric saw, mini cultivator, watering, Replanting, using pruning shears, removing ivy, cutting flowers, electric trimmer, visiting relatives, pruning hedges, laying gardening sheets, delivering things to acquaintances, chatting with neighbors, going to buy snacks from artisans. , my mother's driver, going to a friend's store, sorting recyclables, having a tea party,

🕊Activities of the light blue adventure talent...First challenge, planning and booking a trip, walking, adventure, talking about dreams, cherry blossom viewing, walking, visiting ruins, planning a pottery booth, studying foreign cultures, traveling and scenery. Photos of the sky, watching videos of travel YouTubers, timetables, preparations, information about the Suwa Classroom, layout, visiting shrines, packing for moving, carrying luggage to the Suwa Classroom, creating the Suwa Classroom, making rounds, driving, surfing the internet, winter Getting ready, watching the autumn leaves, giving form to ideas, making plans, overnight trips, writing plans for the year, day trips

📘Activities of the blue knowledge talent...Memorization, recitation, knowledge, translation into other languages, studying other languages, watching educational YouTuber videos, board games, card games, memorizing element symbols, 💖English translation of diary, 💖💖Duolingo

[Water Element Talent]

🔮Purple intuition talent actions...Fortune telling (runes, 💖Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Nine Star Ki), astrology, intuition, art, photography, power wishes, new and full moon readings, watching videos of spiritual YouTubers... 💖Fortune-telling lab, keiko's videos and e-mail newsletter, stargazing, moongazing, Shiitake's weekly fortune-telling, 💖Yukari Ishii's daily fortune-telling, Yukari Ishii's weekly fortune-telling, art museums, viewing exhibitions, Hachette's fortune-telling 's World Online Salon, Marisa and Reimu's Yukkuri Channel (), Yozora's reading, Isorokusoshi Mocchi's astrology book, Sugar's weekly fortune telling, Sora Ishihara's note

🌸Pink love talent's actions...💖Makeup, fashion, accessories, corrective underwear, nails, high heels, beauty YouTuber videos, haircuts, hair manicure, sunscreen, 💖face mask, eye cream, neck cream, 💖Getting dressed after getting up, 💖Praised and thanked someone, 💖Loved and praised myself, Making sweets, having fun with my family, making accessories, watching beauty videos ()💖Eating sweets, steamer, ion effecter , facelift, 💖wrinkle care

🥞Activities of light orange empathy talent...cooking, 💖dishwashing, 💖laundry, 💖💖organizing, scrubbing, body maintenance, 💖medicine, 💖supplements, buying supplements, troubleshooting, interviews, counseling, organizing before going to bed. Tidying up, handicrafts, watching videos of cooking and handicraft YouTubers (), hospitals, pharmacies, air conditioning, washing linens, Krasil, preparing to welcome guests, 💖Making the bed, 💖Folding laundry, organizing the inside of the refrigerator

[Earth Element talent]

💰The actions of the ocher economic talent...work meetings, 💖💖shopping, frugality, savings, self-investment, investments, donations, offerings, household account bookkeeping, household budget management discussions, going to the bank, post office, online banking Deposit money, watch videos of financial YouTubers, 💖Ryo President, eating out, financial planning, studying TAC's bookkeeping, Yuta Togawa's CPA learning, ordering on Amazon, entering a part-time job, Shinichi Minami's bookkeeping problem collection, Liberity Homework, 💖💖💖💖💖 Certified Public Accountant Tanukichi's Qualification School [Bookkeeping/Accounting]

🐴Brown's relaxing talent behavior...dazed, dozing off, oversleeping, napping, TV, 💖Manga, movies (), making sweet sake, making ginger salt koji, making miso balls with vinegared onions, macrobiotics, local production for local consumption, agriculture.Bacteria Watching videos of active YouTubers, going to cafes, making burdock tea, taking hot springs, drinking homemade lemon wine, asking neighbors how to make a field, making pottery, looking at product catalogs, going to bed early, watching anime,

🛠The actions of a gray and steady talent...💖Reading ("Brand Matsuo Iwata"), disassembling, repairing (), making reservations, touching mechanisms, assembling, learning techniques, office work, sharing data, research, shopping. Thank you for your visit, reading or watching videos of craftsman YouTubers, organizing materials, meetings, attending construction work, receiving courier services, estimates, Voicy (), receiving home deliveries, gas stations, elections, requests, writing resumes, packaging. solving problems, setting up apps, replacing filters on Roomba, managing email, selecting and ordering lighting equipment, going to sell used items, attending classes, unpacking, making payments, reviewing Amazon, and contacting customer service. , data deletion, registration, procedure, battery replacement, examination, 💖Settings video of both presidents, 💖Settings video of Mr. Ogawako

[Yin-Yang talent]

🖥The actions of black science talent... Conducting experiments to satisfy curiosity (), deepening the FGM love method, science. Watching videos of programming YouTubers (), videos of True Eye, videos of chatGPT () Studying programming

☃️ Actions of the white purification talent... 💖Cleaning, 💖Ventilation, 💖Purification, decluttering, prayers, sutras, Rokka-hai, reading positive words aloud, 💖Incense, 💖Aroma oil, praying to ancestors, cleaning the house. Praying to God, cleaning or watching videos of prayer-based YouTubers, trash disposal, incineration factories, how to build keiko's power house, street cleaning, first spring visit, grave visits, memorial services, mold removal, waste factories, Saito Watch videos of one person, shrines, illuminations, 💖Snow shoveling, funerals

🍀What color talent did I focus on developing today😀?

🌻I drew digital pictures, wrote blogs, edited videos, and cultivated my fire elemental, yellow, and creative talents.
🐟I played Duolingo and developed the talents of wind element, blue color, and knowledge.
🔮I studied fortune telling and developed the talent of water element, purple color, and intuition.
💰I studied bookkeeping and cultivated my talent for local, ocher, and economic power.

That's all for the report.
Video channel registration and high rating,
Please follow and like the blog and SNS.
OSHIM for the music in the video
The illustration is OKISO
The text and narration were sent by Itsuki Takanashi.

#15color talent #kotoriyuki #Tama #OSHIM #Okiso #breathing #hiyokonomorinoatelier #diary #youtuber #worry #life #FGMlove #talent #EducationSystem #Love #Peace #MyElement #ELEMENT #4Element #FireEarthWindAndWater


*At the end *

My life is my own.
Not controlled by people or society.
It's a one-off game with myself that doesn't blame people or society.

Don't regret the past, don't fear the future.
The future may be tomorrow, or it may be more than 60 years.
For that kind of life, I will focus on each day and live happily.

I will continue to hope until the end of time.
Everything in this world exists for the growth of my soul.

Thank you God and everyone!
I 💖 Appreciate!