2/14 | Kayママとボクちゃんのブログ



It's been a little while to be here as my new job has been killing me.

well, to be exact, my instructor who's over sixty and fuckin' bitch has killed me!!!
The old woman really gets on my nerves. The way she teaches me is so bad that I can't get my head around to it. I really hate her. 
On the bright side, I just confessed one of the staff about what has happened to me so far with her.
Anyway, once I get the hang of it, I belive I can pull it off.

So I don't really give a shit about my husband.
I thought he would go to the bitch's house today since it's valentain's day. But he came back home somehow. According to his schedule, he'll go there this Friday. go. go. I don't care.

Okay, it's time for me to go to bed.
I have a day off tomorrow.