福音派のキリスト教徒は本当にガザ問題でイスラエルだけを支持しているのか?? | バンクーバー風車小屋便り バックアップ用

バンクーバー風車小屋便り バックアップ用

















    例えば、ある最近の研究によれば、「20歳以上のユダヤ人のうち、44%が世俗的(神を信じない、あるいは神の命令に従おうとしない)、21%が伝統的だがあまり守っていない(ユダヤ教の祝日は祝うが、神の命令は気にしない)、 12%は伝統的で遵守的(少なくともユダヤ教の習慣に従う)、12%は宗教的、11%は超正統派(旧約聖書よりもタルムード(ラビの教え)に傾倒している)。 」













    Whatever we pray for the situation in Israel/Gaza should be shaped by a biblical worldview. We see throughout the Old Testament that God regularly disciplines Israel because of their rebellion against him. No one should think that present day Israel is devoted to God. One recent study, for example, shows that "Of the Jewish population aged 20 and over, 44% of Jews self-identify as secular [= do not believe in God or do not attempt to follow God's commands], 21% as traditional but not very observant [likely celebrate Jewish holidays but don't worry about God's commands], 12% as traditional and observant [at least follow Jewish customs], 12% as religious, and 11% as ultra-Orthodox [these are typically more devoted to the Talmud (teachings of the rabbis) than to the Old Testament]." So, perhaps 35% are devoted to God in some sense or make some attempt to follow God's commands. That should remind us to pray for the salvation of Israelis, asking God to reveal himself to them, move them to repent of their sin, and open their hearts to the gospel so that they embrace the Messiah. We can also pray that God would use this very difficult situation to cause them to seek Him and make them more open to the gospel. We should pray that God will soften their hearts and raise up leaders who will call them to repentance so that they do not continue to reject the Messiah as most Jews have done for two millennia.

    We dare not forget that there are Christians among the Palestinians. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ and we dare not forget to intercede for them. They face perhaps more mistreatment than anyone in the region. We should pray for the gospel to come to Gaza and for God to deliver Palestinians from their wicked leaders. We should long for them to be saved, just as we long for Israel to be saved.



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