One day, Orion invited Sterope to the travel. Then she said, If Artemidor comes with us, I'll go with you, or you'll go alone. And Orion phoned to Artemidor.

At the next day, Artemidor went out and got on a bus. The bus got been brought to a standstill by a traffic jam. Artemidor finished reading his all books, and got off the bus, and started to walk. Soon he arrived to a procession of toads . Toads ignore a red light in a group, therefore cars were stopping. Artemidor watched them. They didn't jump, and crept. And they croak in lovely voice, though they are ugly. Artemidor wrote a score, and jumped over the procession, and started to walk again. Soon Sterope came onto there by bicycle. And she lifted the bicycle, and jumped over the procession, and started to pedal the bicycle again. Soon she arrived to the goal, and gave back the bicycle to a bicycle-rental shop. And she found Artemidor who had arrived. Artemidor found Sterope, and frowned slightly, and muttered to himself, Orion is mine! But she didn't notice his expression, and ran up to him, and said, Hasn't Orion come here yet? Artemidor said, He hasn't come here yet! He may hate you! Sterope smiled wryly and said, He drives a car. Perhaps his car is stalled by the toad's procession. And Artemidor smiled wryly. Sterope said, They went past the Land of Promise, and go toward Babylonia. Then Artemidor got been flustered and said, What do you mean by that!? And Sterope did burst out laughing and said, The Arabic for Alexandria is Iskandaria. Tiberia is a town in Israel. And Babylon was the capital of Babylonia. Then Artemidor shouted, My hotel and his house exist at there! And your residence exists at the opposite direction! Are the toads Israelites? , and laughed, and showed her a paper. And she took the paper, and looked. The paper was written a score, and reverse side was drawn a toad. Sterope said, These are a toad and his croak, aren't these? At this season, they go spawning to a pond in a group. Their spawns exist in a clear cord! , and drew the spawns. Then a car stopped on front of them. And Orion got off the car. And Artemidor ran up to him, and twined his arm around Orion's arm. And Orion didn't care about him, and started to walk toward Sterope, and said to her, The traffic jam is hard, therefore I went through other way, and get come here. And Artemidor said to him, Toads are ignoring a signal in a group now! At the direction! , and pointed. Orion smiled wryly and said, Toads don't regard the signals. Orion held out his hand to her. Then Sterope said, I feel that he loves you. Don't you care him? , and turned away. And they got into the car, and started.