At the next day, Artemidor went to a garbage dump. Then a bag was moving. And he approached toward the moving bag. And the bag sped up. But Artemidor overtook and picked up in his fingers. Then a cat appeared from under the bag, and escaped. And Artemidor dumped his bag and the bag into a trash can. And the bags got been raised. And a cat appeared from under the bags, in the trash can, and escaped. Then Artemidor shouted involuntarily, Who abandoned the cat!? And he went back his room, and changed his clothes, and went to Orion's house. Artemidor and Orion watched television. According to the news, Japan sent bull frogs to Afghanistan. Afghans say, Brown frogs are sweeter than bull frogs! And Americans say, We had exported bull frogs to Japan originally! The frogs are originally American! Artemidor said to Orion, Why did Japan send frogs? Orion said, Japanese Prime Minister made a slip of the tongue that SHOW THE FROG, for SHOW THE FLAG . And they watched television again. Then an undershirt has a pattern of one frog, was raking with a machine-gun fire, on television. Orion said, That is the Gutsy Frog. And Artemidor uproariously.