At the 1657th year, Prometheus and Hephæstus came to Noah's house. Prometheus said, It will come a flood onto the Earth in the near future. Build an ark for thyself. Make it 30 long, 5 wide, and 3 high. This rate is stabilized extremely. And he indicated Hephæstus, and said, This is Hephæstus. He is the best architest, and is the best craftman too. Build for thyself with him. Then Noah's son Shem brought many kittens in a corrugated carton, and said, I get found them at the neighborhood. And Ham and Japheth who were Noah's sons too, who brought many kittens in their own corrugated cartons too. Shem, Ham, and Japheth were triplets who were a Caucasian, a Negro, and a Mongolian. They had married Zadikuthlebab, Nahalathmehica, and Edathneziza. They brought many kittens in their own corrugated cartons too. Prometheus said, Take animals on board too. Then Artemis came to there too. She took out a portable phone, and made a telephone call to Poseidon. He existed in Africa. Artemis said, Hello! Art thou there? Art thou ready prepared? And Poseidon said, Yes! thou! Get! , and started to catch and throw animals from Africa one after another. Soon a hare came flying from across the horizon to there. And Artemis caught the hare, and took down it. And a hippopotamus, a cattle, a horse a deer, an elephant, and the others came flying to there too. And Artemis caught and took down the animals which Poseidon had thrown one after another. And she called Noah, and did let him have a box, and escaped. And a spider, a centipede,and a hairy caterpillar fell into the box. And Noah looked Artemis. Then she said, Don't come! Ship to the ark!