Then Tubal came to Yakuzamento city so as to he lays in new weapons. He existed in a bar when, the cat was playing the piano, Copin's 12 Etudes No. 12. c-minor. Op. 10-12. Tubal noticed him, and picked out. Then a housewife called to him, You're Tubal aren't you? A dog is marrooned on a jungle gym from three days ago. Please help him! And Tubal went to the place. Then a siverian husky existed on a jungle gym. Tubal went up the jungle gym, and held the dog. Then the cat came and stood upright and kicked the jungle gym. And they fell down. And the dog ran away. And Tubal ran after the dog too, but he lost track off.

The dog came to front of a big house. Then two men existed on there. Their own names are Cock and Panda. Cock had a mohikan cut and beard, and was red haired. And Panda tattooed to surroundings of his eyes, and was fat. They were yakuza . They caught the dog, and said, Wow! It's hateful face! , and started to treat the dog harshly. Then a man came out from the big house. He was a boss of yakuza, and was one descendant of Cain. His name was Lamech. He was called Wolf, because of tattoo of his face. But the tattoo was like a siverian husky rather than a wolf, though. Then Lamech appeared and did put an end to their treating, and said to the dog, You are the most handsome dog. Your mane is Lycaon. We are friends! In reality Lamech and Lycaon were as like as two peas.