Mathusala and Batrache came to Ichthys town. The Holy Mother was appearing at Hamachi Park in Ichthys town who were talking as for the flood at that time. Mathusala heard as to the Holy Mother at Sashimi street, and went to there. But she arrived in there when, the Holy Mother didn't exist. Then the Holy Mother appeared with voice, Peekaboo! And Mathusala seized her by the collar while she shouted, Batrache! Her true character was Batrache, and returned into Batrache. And Mathusala did let go her hold. Batrache said, Why can you understand? Mathusala said, Thy true character is quite obvious! And they did put up at Inn Fish Eye. Batrache stood on front of a mirror, and began practice pull down the lower lid of him of his eyes as a gesture of regection toward someone. And a waiter brought soup. Batrache said, I'd like to eat insects! Mathusala said, I can't eat those!

At the next day, Mathusala went to Hamachi park so as to she hears word of the Holy Mother. She was walking at Sashimi street when, Batrache said, If Our Lady said that The world will be destroyed, what do you? Mathusala said, I ain't afraid to hear any words. Then a hairy caterpillar came hanging down. And Mathusala got been surprised and cried and broke into a run. And Batrache ate it. The Holy Mother appeared and spoke, The God isn't slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. By ice also the world of that time freezed and destroyed. By the some word the present heavens and earth are reserved for water, being kept for the day of judgement and destruction of ungodly men. But the day will come like a thief. The floodgates of the heavens will be opened, and all the springs of the great abyss will burst forth with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by water, and the earth and everything in it will be washed and purified. No one knowth about that day or hour, but only the God. For in the days before the long winter, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day ice came to the earth; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the glacial epoch came and freezed them. Then Mathusala thought that Will the next world be destroyed by hot water? And will the still next world be destroyed by steam? And will that further next world be destroyed by what? She wasn't able to think of things that is hotter than steam. And she tried to ask to the Holy Mother when, she disappeared. And Mathusala and Batrache went out of Ichthys town.