Mathusala and Batrache started from Georgia. And they passed Armenia, Turkey, Rumania, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, and France. And they went up a mountain on the way. Then many falling rocks came falling toward them. Then Batrache changed into a leopard, and gave Mathusala ride on his back, and ran up. Mathusala said, These falling rocks are several too much. And they looked many rock thrower penguins those had gotten on their own robots , were dropping rocks. Then Batrache shouted, They get on robots on penguin's social position! And Mathusala jumped down from Batrache's back. And Batrache changed into a monster, and roared. And all robots ran away. And the ground started to be devided, and opened. And a giant robot appeared. The robot tried to beat Batrache. Then a fireball shot through the robot's body, with the report of a cannon. And all penguins went out from two doors those were opened on the robot's both legs one to each, and broke into a run. And it fell down and exploded. And they looked around. But they were able to find nobody, and said, Who did to this? But they understood nothing. And they passed the mountain.