Mathusala and Batrache came to Switzerland. They came to front of many mountains. Mathusala looked up. Then a crow was flying in the sky. Mathusala called out the crow, Buna saira, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Buon giorno! And the crow came landing and answered, Buon giorno! Then Mathusala hesitated in an instant, because she was apt to mistake Italian prepositions. But she asked to the crow, Dove è Bernhard? And the crow answered, Sarà in la terza montagna. And Mathusala said to the crow, Grazie! , and went to the third mountain. And they came to aparting of the ways. Then a horse existed on there. Mathusala called out the horse, Buon giorno, Buna saira, Bonjour, Guten Tag! And the horse answered, Hatschi! Guten Tag. Hust! And Mathusala asked, Wo ist Bernhard? And the horse said, Hust! Gehen Hatschi! Gehen Sie Hust! Nach Recht Hatschi! Mathusala said, Gehen Sie nach Recht? And the horse said, Ja! And Mathusala did put her hand on the horse's forehead, and said, Sie haben ja Fieber. Gehen Sie nach Krankenhaus! And they went to the right way. And they came to an entrance to village. Then a muscular woman existed on there. And Mathusala called out to her, Guten Tag, Buon giorno, Buna saira, Bonjour! And she has a beard who turned to her, and answered, Bonjour! , in baritone. Mathusala asked her, Où est Bernhard? And she said, Il habite tout près. Allons. And they started. She said to Mathusala, Tu as un accent espagnol. Pourquoi as-tu prise français? And Mathusala said, Les premières œuvres complètes des littératures classiques sont publiées en France. And they came to front of Bernhard's house. Saint Bernhard was nothing like a man, he was very much like a Saint Bernard. Then Batrache said in voluntarily, A big dog wears clothes! Then Mathusala did hit Batrache's head. Saint Bernhard was keeping a jellydog . That is a kind of dog that has no back bone, and that divides and breeds like amœbæ. Then Batrache found a snail, and tried to eat. Then the jellydog snapped at the snail, and ate. Then Mathusala and Saint Bernhard existed in a studio. Saint Bernhard showed Mathusala a paper, and said, Is this Arabic? And Mathusala said, The letters resemble Arabic alphabets, but those aren't Arabic. Mathusala was living in Israel, in her school days. Arabic and English and Hebrew are official language in there. After a while, Mathusala said, It is Latin. It's very bad handwriting. This is an extract from the Postevangelium. Jesus' appearances after the Ascension those are Paul in Damascus, and Quo Vadis, and Christopher and the Baby, and others. Saint Luke the Evangelist wrote that Whose father was Shelah, whose father was Arphachshad; when, Jesus Christ appeared to him, and said that Shem begot a son Arphachshad, who begot a son Cainan, who begot a son Shelah. Cainan discovered an ancient epigraph, and deciphered. That was forbidden knowledges. Shem found that, and said that Don't know the forbidden knowledges! Our ancestors got been destroyed by their sin! No longer you aren't my grand son! And Cainan's name got been erased. But Jesus said that Forgive Cainan! He searched for truth, and tried to approach to the God, and committed an offense. And Luke added Cainan into the genealogical table.

Mathusala and Batrache went out. Then Batrache said, I can speak German. , and spoke to a man, Baumkuchen. And the man siad anything, and pointed. And Batrache looked the direction. Then a man wears an apron was standing on front of a bakery. Batrache said to him, Baumkuchen. And the apron-man said anything, and went into the bakery, and came out and brought a tray. Many baumkuchens existed on the tray. And he said anything. Then Mathusala came and began talking with the apron-man. And she bought a cockroach formed bread, and showed to Batrache. Batrache said, It's an ordinary bread, isn't it? And Mathusala said, Yes!