Mathusala cooked fried rice. Then Batrache was cooking fried lices on her hand neighbor. And Mathusala threw Batrache and his frying pan out. And she shouted to Prometheus, Rice is kosher for men, but it is a tref for frogs. And louse is a tref for men, but it is kosher for frogs. We've been eating escargots only. What are koshers for both men and frogs? Prometheus said, Thou usest kosher and tref for meaning eatable and uneatable. Those are different from the original meaning. But both men and frogs can eat locusts, lobsters... Then Mathusala shouted for joy, I like lobsters! Have we any more common foods?

Then Tubal got been surprised and said, Why? I can't believe! Does God exist!? And then, at another place, Saint Georg shouted in surprise, The sanke is a man in reallity! O my God! I've come off without murder! Then a priest said to him, Now a dragon is demanding a princess as a sacrifice on Lydia. The man eater is a true beast! And Saint Georg rode a horse, and started to Lydia. Later his activities are writtwn in The Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine.

And Mathusala and Batrache parted from Prometheus. And Prometheus, parting, said so, Fear not ye. Your enemy doethn't exist now. He is your supporter. Then Tubal thought that If the world got been ruined, then he won't be able to kill. He said to himself, I don't make the world be ruined! So a phrase by Prometheus, realized. Mathusala and Batrache went to their home.