Mathusala quested, Why bats can fly without hitting in the darkness? Prometheus answered, Bats can know the position of the obstance by they utter super sonic waves, and listen to the echo. Super sonic waves are sounds those aren't heard, because those are too high-pitched. If thou canst listen a bat's voice, thou wilt feel noizy . Mathusala quested, Airplanes can fly high than birds, but those can't goto the Heaven. Why giants were able to goto the Heaven? Prometheus answered, Giants had rockets. A rocket is a pipe that hath an explosive in itself. Mathusala said, A rocket is a cannon that is looking down! Prometheus said, Yes! It's a cannon lookth down, hathn't a shell, and can fire in succession. But modern people hathn't the technology for make a rocket. Mathusala said, Were the giants robots like Gundam? Prometheus said, Thou art right. But modern people can't make a robot of giant's stature too. Mathusala said, History is known cleary at now, is people began grow again after the glacial age. In former that is known by myths, legends, and old tales only. Prometheus said, Doest thou know about a calender? The modern calender: a year is 365 days at the common year, and is 366 days at a leap year that is one time in four years. The leap years those numbers are two and multiples of four. Mathusala said, Doest thou know how to distinguish between sacred and secular men? Sacred men can recite the 51st chapter of the Book of Psalms from memory in Latin, but secular men can't recite it. , and took a paper and a pen, and wrote Miserere . And she started to explain it to Prometheus, The Book of Psalms in Latin is read for about three minutes. It existeth two sorts those are translated from the Septuagint that is written in Greek, and the Masoretic text that is written in Hebrew. Thiose two sorts are different from 33 places. According to the legend, Seventy two scholars translated into Greek taken seventy two days, and the translation is perfect. But the truth isn't it. That is a bad translation. We must not read unquestioningly. Prometheus asked to Mathusala, Art thou a sacred man? Mathusala answered, No. I'm a secular man. Secular men can recite the 51st chapter of the Book of Psalms from memory in Latin, who exist many. And sacred men can't it, who exist many to, really. Prometheus said, The Sun riseth with Sirius when, Egyptian calender beginth. Incidentally, sinodic period of the Sun and Sirius that is 365 days and 6 hours to be exact neary. Such the star as this is Sirius only in the many stars. The Julian calender is the same 365 days and 6 hours as it. But the true year 365 days and 5 hours and 48 minutes, and 45 and 621-625ths seconds. And then the Gregorian calender got been made. Its leap years are left out 3 times 400 years. It is 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes 12 seconds. The Jewish calender consisteth of Tishri, Heshvan, Kislev, Tebet, Shebat, Adar, Veadar, Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, and Elul. Tishri, Shebat, Nisan, Sivan, and Ab consist of 30days. Tebet, Veadar, Iyar, Tammuz, and Elul consist of 29 days. Heshvan is 29 days usually, but it is also 30 days too. And Kislev is 30 days usually, but it is also 29 days too. And Adar is 29 days usually, but it is 30 days at the leap yeas. And Veadar existeth in the leap years only. The leap years are put 7 times 19 years. And the 15th day of Nisan never becometh to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and it is the first full moon after the Vernal equinox. Qumran calender consisteth of 364 days. It beginth from Wednesday always. Mathusala quested, Hath the calender leap week 5 times 28 years? Prometheus answered, That isn't known at all. The last supper is Pesach according to Mathew, Mark, and Luke. But it is the day before Pesach according to John. Doest thou know who invented a steam locomotive? Mathusala answered, George Stephenson Steamson! Prometheus said, What is the last Steamson?.... In the fact that Stephenson made practicable it. Richard Trevithick invented it, and named Catch me who can. And his grandsons Richard Francis, and Francis Henry Trevithick made it at Japan. Mathusala quested, A eupipton meanth that a good fallingman in Greek. How far is it? Prometheus answered, It is for about 573 meters roughly. A falling man fell 573 meters when, his falling velocity will get been fixt by resistance of air. That is the terminal velocity. Mathusala said, A hemigee meanth half-earth in Greek, that is for about 6, 378 point 14 kilometers roughly. And an epitachynse meanth acceleration in Greek, that is for about 9 point 78 meters roughly. And she said to Batrache, Doest thou anderstand? Then Batrache said, It is all to me Greek! And Mathusala said, Tūto eimi teleōs pros eme Hellēnika ! Then Prometheus said, Oh. No! Please speak Greek correctly! Thou getst said that It am all to me Greek, in Greek! And Mathusala said, Tūto estin teleōs pros eme Hellēnika ! , and got been convulsed with laughter. Prometheus said, Doest thou know what is a fault? Let's go out. And they went out. Soon they came to front of a precipice that that exposes a stratum . Prometheus said, This is a revers fault. It got been pushed from the either sides, and got been made. And the ground got been pulled from the either sides when, a normal dault getteth made. And a lateral fault hath two sorts those are a right-lateral fault and a left-lateral fault. Then Mathusala found two fossil fishes, and intoned, O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo! And Batrache courted, Hey! You! Let's have a cup of tea. Then Mathusala said, That speech doethn't enter! , and sent Batrache flying with a kick. Mathusala said, Romans did let a rock fly when, Jews shouted that The son comes! in Hebrew, and avoided. The son is Ha Ben in Hebrew, and The rock is Ha Eben in Hebrew. People maketh war when, he speakth fast. Perhaps Ha Eben got been broken and changed into Ha Ben. And Prometheus said, It is the 272nd line in the 5th volume in, Comentries on the Jewish Wars, by Flavius Josephus. The original text is written in Greek Ho hyios erchetai . Mathusala said, A rock getteth been divided and will become into a father and a son. Prometheus said, Father is Ab in Hebrew, and son is Ben in Hebrew. Hebrew is written with consonantal alphabets and punctuation marks only usually. And poetries and children's books are written with consonantal alphabets and punctuation marks and vowellal marks. And the Bible is written with consonantal alphabets and punctuation marks and vowellal marks and accentuation marks. But Talmud is written with consonantal alphabets only without punctuation marks.