The human race had spread all over the World. Then people was living happily with gods. One day Zeus looked a woman who was Semele. Then he said, Her eyes resemble Metis' those! , and jumped down, and had a relation. Hera knew that fact, and jumped down, and talked in the disguise of an old woman, A bad man assuming a god's name on there now. If he was the true god, he should can wear lightning. And Semele demanded wear lightning of him. And Zeus wore lightning. The Semele got been burned to death in a moment. And Zeus took a baby out from her stomach, and named Dionysus, and entrust him to Tethys. Dionysus grew up when, he went up onto the Heaven, and became into a god.
One day Zeus looked a woman who was Alcmene. Then he said, Her lips resemble Metis' those! , and jumped down. But she was Amphitryon's wife. Then Zeus had a relation in the disguise of Amphitryon. Before long, Alcmene bore Iphicles and Alcides. Iphicles was an elder brother and was Amphitryon's son. And Alcides was Zeus' son.
One day, Alcides became mad by a curse of Hera, and killed his wife Megara and his sons. He came to himself, and went to be told an oracle. Then Apollo said, Change thy name into Heracles. And serve Eurystheus for twelve years.
One day Abelus loved Pallas. He had been a stickler for cleanliness and had been detesting men, therefore then other gods got been surprised. But he had she die.
Apollo begot a son Phaëthon by Clymene the human daughter.

At that time demigods were living on the Earth. They were half gods and men. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.