Adam had relations with Eve. And she conceived and bore a son. She bore a son, and said, I get produced a man with the help of the LORD. , and named him Cain that meanth that I produced. Cain got been borne on 12th of July 0039, 20 hours 19 minutes 38 seconds. Then the Moon existed on 14 degrees 27 minutes 51 seconds Aquarius, Mercury existed on 29 degrees 47 minutes 25 seconds Leo, Venus existed on 29 degrees 13 minutes 18 seconds Gemini, the Sun existed on 14 degrees 27 minutes 51 seconds Leo, Mars existed on 0 degrees 6 minutes 1 second Cancer, Metides existed on 11 degrees 24 minutes 25 seconds Aries, Jupiter existed on 19 degrees 29 minutes 5 seconds Libra, Saturn existed on 7 degrees 2 minutes 37 seconds Sagittarius, and the Vernal Equinox existed on 27 degrees 9 minutes 22 seconds Taurus. He was the first son who got been borne by human woman.