Jovian deferential radius for about 265 hemigees 8, 533 eupiptons 2 point 199, 45 epitachynses roughly. The deferential sidereal period is for about 4, 332 days 18 hours 55 minutes 4 seconds roughly. The deferential eccentricity is for about 0 point 048, 429, 5 roughly. The deferential inclination is for about 1 degree 18 minutes 17 seconds roughly. The deferential apogean sidereal period is for about 63, 599, 873 days 2 hours 32 minutes 56 seconds roughly. The deferential nodical sidereal period is for about 107, 903, 763 days 17 hours 44 minutes 10 seconds roughly.

In the creation, jovian exterocenter existed on 5 degrees 36 minutes 1 second Leo. The deferential node existed on 29 degrees 25 minutes 20 seconds Gemini. And the deferential apogee existed on 7 degrees 21 minutes 51 seconds Virgo.

Jovian body that is Jupiter consisteth of astrogen 18 carats fine, that moveth around the jovian exterocenter. Jovian epicyclic radius is for about 51 hemigees 1, 083 eupiptons 14 point 909, 18 epitachynses roughly. The epicyclic sidereal period is for about 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 4 seconds roughly. The epicyclic eccentricity is for about 0 point 006, 799, 6 roughly. The epicyclic epifocal sidereal period is for about 6, 196, 495 days 10 hours 59 minutes 42 seconds roughly. And the epicyclic inclination is zero.

In the creation, the epicyclic epifocus existed on 25 degrees 21 minutes 15 seconds Taurus seen from the exterocenter. Jupiter existed on 8 degrees 18 minutes 53 seconds Aquarius seen from the exterocenter, and existed on 4 degrees 59 minutes 0 seconds Leo seen from the Earth.