I am Enosh. I've been searching for the Truth. And the LORD God gave me this message at the 325th year. The LORD God revealed to me. I get written this book.

In the beginning, the Universe was the Empty, and the Empty existed only in the Universe, and Demiurge existed only in the Universe. He existed in the beginning. He was the Universe. All things came to exist through him, and without him nothing came to exist. Demiurge wanted the World, and created five elements those were air, astrogen, æther, hydrogenion, and soil at then. Unalloyed astrogen is blue, and its color changeth into red via white, yellow, and orange with every æthereal rate multiply. And astrogen include æther too much when, it explodeth, and changeth into ceraunophlox. Ceraunophlox hath two states those are fire and thunderbolt. Fire is a gaseous body. Most thick fire is blue, and its color changeth into unvisiblity via white, yellow, orange, red transparent colorless with every get been diluted. And thunderbolt is a violet liquid. The density of fire is one, and the density of thunderbolt is 276, 788. Hydrogenion hath three states those are cloud, ice, and water. Cloud is a gaseous body that changeth its color from white transparent and colorless with every get been deluted. Ice is a solid, and water is a liquid. Those nine matters are in order of heavy astrogen, thunderbolt, water, soil that is always a solid, ice, air that is always a gaseous body, cloud, fire, and æther. The density of cloud is nine, and the density of ice is 11, 148, and the density of water is 12, 264. And æther that is always a gaseous body and is weightless. The density of air is fifteen, and the density of æther is zero. Light hath pressure. Æther conducteth the pressure, but it doethn't get been driven. Fire doethn't conduct the pressure, but it getteth been driven. And other things don't conduct the pressure, and don't get been driven. The Heaven is made from æther. And the Earth is made from the others. Thunderbolt getteth touched air, æther, and soil when, it changeth into fire. And fire getteth touched cloud, ice, and water when, it changeth into thunderbolt. Cloud getteth overgathered when, it changeth into water. Ice getteth touched air, fire, soil, and thunderbolt when, it changeth into water. Water getteth touched air, and fire when, it changeth into cloud. Cloud and water get touched æther when, those change into ice.

Then Demiurge wanted light, and created the Sun in the Heaven. And he created the stars so as to he knowth direction, season, and time in nights. Then Demiurge threw three fourths of firm ground up into the Heaven, because firm ground dried up by solar heat. The thrown one side resulted in the Moon. And the left one side resulted in the continent, and it got been chipped part resulted in the sea.