After a while, Batrache peeped. Then Mathusala in the nude existed with a man. She noticed Batrache, and shouted, How dare thou hast looked me? Then the man said to her, He hathn't looked us. Creatures can't see us, for nobody seeth us and still liveth. And she stopped worrying, and started to slip into her clothes. Mathusala said to Batrache, He is Prometheus. Prometheus looked a paper , and said to Mathusala, Thy name is a code . Phros Iath Smes Kadmaios; that phrase meanth that, Divide his first name. And, Usaph Iath Oau Ben Mem Uthau; that phrase meanth that, And add Waw between Mem and Taw. And a phrase geteth been ready, Motho sala eth ha-Mabbul Maim gal ha-Ares; that meanth that, His death hath sent the Flood water to the Earth. Zeus made thee metamorphose into feminine appearance so as to thy name doethn't give uneasiness to the human beings. And he said to Batrache, Mr. Frog. Welcome! I was the snake. My name is Prometheus. She hath returned me into a former figure. And Batrache said to Prometheus, I am a hot-spring frog. My name is Batrache. Prometheus said, How doest thou like thy foods? And Batrache said many names of the insects and worms and caterpillars. And Prometheus started to cook those. Mathusala had worn, came to there. Then Prometheus saw her, and got been startled and said, It is how Artemis putteth on a sash! I got been turned into a snake by her! Thou wearst the same underwears as hers! And he said, Pardon me. Thou hast all the appearance of being a human. Art thou a heavenly bred? Mathusala said, I got been born and bred on the Earth. And my father Ganymedes rose up the Heaven. And Prometheus looked Batrache, and said to Mathusala, How many the servants? Is it one only? Mathusala said, I had three servants at the first. They were this frog, and a slag, and a snake. But the slag ate the snake, and the frog ate the slag. Thus my servant made one it. Prometheus said to Batrache, Please show us thy glass egg. Then Batrache cried, Cut out the fooling! If I opened my tummy, then I'll die! Then Mathusala said, I am dying to see HARA-KIRI. Prometheus said, I think that It is putting it too strongly. Mathusala said, I dislike frogs! And Prometheus said to Batrache, Change into a robot, and open the armorplate, then thou wilt not die. And Batrache changed into a robot, and opened his chest. Then a glass egg existed in his chest. The egg contained a little scepter and a little tridend those were entwined by a thread, in itself. Prometheus said, This scepter is Zeus' it that showerth heavy rain. This trident is Poseidon's it that leadth raging waves. And this thread is Mœræ's it that signth thy life. Thou diedst when, the thread will get been snapped, and then heavy rain and raging waves will happen onto the Earth. Then Mathusala and Batrache were shamming death. And Prometheus said, Ye! Get up! Or a flood will happen on you! , and took a backet. And they got up. And he said to Mathusala, Thou canst invite a flood with thy order too. Human sins get been piled up to the Heaven when, thou mayst give a flood. Mathusala said, If a flood happened, then what thing will happen onto the Eaerth? Prometheus said, Then the surface of the sea will rise 67 meters. Mathusala said, People as long they live on the ground, and haven't relation to whichever them geocentric theory or heliocentric theory. But I wish to know the truth. We believe the Book of Enosh, many scholars are asserting new facts those are against the Book of Enosh. And she started to read out the Book of Enosh according to her memory.