They came to a station. And they came to front of just before a train goes, and she rushed into the train. And the doors closed. And the train started. And Mathusala sat down and looked around. Then she was alone. Then Batrache was clinging to the train, and was knocking the window. And Mathusala opened the window, and took Batrache into the inside of the train. And Mathusala took out a book, and opened. The book was, The little Mermaid by Andersen. Then Batrache said, Please read that book to me. And Mathusala said, Yes sir! Book readers will be great persons! It's very good! Listen! And she started to read out, but she wasn't able to read Danish a little, therefore she interspersed her read out with a made up story, Long long ago... She glanced at out of the window. Then a girl was milking a cow out of the window. And she did read out, ... a mermaid was milking a sea snail... Batrache asked to Mathusala, The mermaid gets been turned into a human lady. Then does she get been drowed at the sea? Mathusala answered, No she doetn't. Because then she hath gone up onto the land already. And she started to read out again...

She finished the story when, Batrache said, Thus the mermaid gets changed into foam of a bath , and clings to the prince every day. It gets a happy end. And they rolled about with laughter. And Mathusala shouted, What doest thou say!? , and flew at Batrache. And Batrache escaped at the same time too. And they started a tag. Soon the train arrived at the terminus. And they got off the train. Mathusala commanded, Change into a horse! And Batrache changed into a red horse, and said, Char's custom horse is three times as fast as usually. , and gave her a ride on his back, and started to hop like a frog. Then Mathusala said, Run like a horse! Batrache said, It is difficult! I can't run originally! Mathusala said, I see! Frog can't run. But thou art a horse now! Thou canst run like a horse ought to run! Batrache said, But I don't know the how of horse's running! But I can run like a human! And he stood upright and started to run like a human. Mathusala threw both arms round his neck despeately. Before long, they came into Ichthys town, and did put at inn Fish Eye. Mathusala caught a mouse in the inn, and gave to Batrache. Then Batrache said, I like flies better than mice, I ain't a cat! And Mathusala said, Thou hast too many likes and dislikes in what thou eatest! At that night, Batrache fried and ate all flies in the inn Fish Eye. Then an inn-keeper was glad. But Mathusala felt like vomiting and got angry. She said, It's very very dirty! Don't eat flies any longer!

And the next day, the third of August, they went out Fish Eye. A dog dunged onto a road. And a car ran his excrement over. And the dog barked violently, and ran after the car. Then Batrache interpreted, The dog says that I don't know how it owned the gall to crush my honey fece! Then Mathusala sank weakly to the ground. And they left Ichthys town, and came at the bose of a mountain. Mathusala said to Batrache, Change into a leopard. And Batrache changed into a leopard, and gave her a ride in his back, and ran up. Then a falling rock came rolling down. They avoided it. And many falling rocks came rolling down. They avoided those while running up. And Mathusala found many penguins who were letting rocks fall, on the top, and shouted, They are rock thrower penguins! They live on highlands, and have the habit of dropping rocks onto climbing strangers. The zoological name is jaculator petram. They came onto the top. And Batrache changed into a giant penguin, and started walking to them. Then the penguins stopped. And the giant penguin covered his face with his hand, and showed again. Then the face had turned into a devil's face. And he roared toward the heaven. And the penguins escaped to the last penguin.

They came into France. There exist three sorts among those who are bad at languages: American, French, and Japanese. There exist three sorts among who are good at languages: Dutch, French, and Israeli. French peoples are crypto-good linguists. They listen to travelers' speak as if nothing had happened. They are devils who give themselves airs. The best collected literatures in the world, and the best encyclopediain the world exist in France, therefore Mathusala went to a library. And she gave Batrache a book that was Inogo VIII, because frog robots enter in it. It was said that Inogo VIII was written in English, therefore young people wasn't able to read. Then an otaku had asked his seventeen friends to translate into French. And they had translated in seventeen days.

At the sixth of August, Mathusala was apt to mistake Italian prepositions, therefore she said to a checkpointer, C'è qualcuno qui che parla spagnolo? But the checkpointer wasn't able to speak Spanish, therefore Mathusala said again, C'è qualcuno qui che parla inglse? And they spoke English. And Mathusala entered into Italy.